Resort Fun Part 1

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The orientation took place in the lounge of the resort. The floor was of white marble and there were golden chandeliers. The sofas were grey, arranged around black rectangular tables. It was full with the amount of students present there and it was really difficult for one to find their friends. The eight girls of room no.716 went together but split up later on. Miyeong, Jaehyo and Jihye needed to find Dongbin, which wasn't a problem because a person could spot the Bangtan boys from a mile away and Dongbin was definitely supposed to be with them, seeing that they're roommates. 

The three friends make their way towards all the fangirl screams to find the boys and as expected, Dongbin was standing beside Taehyung, having a conversation. Jihye calls out to Dongbin but Taehyung and Jimin just wave to them, signaling them to come over and stand beside them. Miyeong didn't mind because there were a lot of people and not much space so she'll be fine anywhere and for the first time in a while, she was okay with standing beside Taehyung in a crowd thinking that he's her twin brother so she can hang out with him. But that thought was disappeaaring slowly because of the whispers in the crowd. The teachers and the Director appeared and everyone went quite to listen attentively.

"Hello students! I hope you all have found your rooms and are happy with your accommodations. This is the first time we have conducted such a big trip and this is all because of your hard work. The mock exams were really tough but still a lot of you managed to get amazing grades. I am proud of you all and now you can relax.". The director of Seoul Arts University starts giving his speech, "You can enjoy all the facilities over here but if you want to go and eat lunch or dinner somewhere else then you would have to pay for it yourselves. You are being given a schedule for the list of things you can do tomorrow and at what times, though you will need to take at least two teachers to supervise you all and your are to remain with them throughout the day no matter where you go. You'll all be taken in groups regarding the place you want to go but for today, I advise you all to use the hotel's facilities and go travel the island tomorrow". As he was giving his speech the teachers were handing out the schedules to all the students.

His speech was finished and now the vice principal was explaining how we'll be staying and the curfew time too, though no one was gonna follow it. Everyone's room had two double beds so it was told that four students were to sleep on the bed and the other four would be provided with mattresses, pillows and blankets to sleep on the floor. 

"I guess the three of us can sleep on the floor. I mean, in that way it won't be awkward for one of us to sleep with our roommate on the bed". Jaehyo and Jihye agree with Miyeong's proposition, "Besides, I prefer sleeping on the floor than on the bed and we could spend the night talking not disturbing them or taking up their space". The girls had already decided their place to sleep not knowing that the Irene had proposed something similar to her friends too.

As for Dongbin, he was feeling uneasy too not knowing what to do or say to they boys to which Taehyung, again, came to his save and told him to sleep on the floor with him, Jungkook and Jimin, with which he gladly complied. Everyone had now gotten the schedule for tomorrow and the hotel's booklet, which had the detail of the hotel's facilities and it's pictures. The eleven kids standing together didn't bother reading the schedule right away, as it did not matter because they weren't allowed to go anywhere outside the resort.

"Guys! I wanna go to the park!". Jungkook jumps excitedly, seeing the park on the flyer.

"I wanna eat something. I'm starving". Jihye agrees with Seokjin and raises her hand saying 'me too'.

"I wanna go to the pool". Namjoon says, throwing his hands in the air.

"I want some peace, so that I can sleep". Yoongi  says in a voice only Hoseok could hear and just plops down on the couch behind him, crossing his arms and Hoseok snickers at older friend.

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