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Prelude : "Can't Help Falling In Love" by: Elvis Presley suits this chapter so much and this is dedicated to my dear friend mezungmeim (IG account) and as requested by cherrykim96 and veonnie...I will try to post another song from uri MinHo playlist but it might not be suited to this story but I just like how he sang this particular song...very very passionate and heartfelt :) Enjoy loves! I really had a great time writing this particular will all know why 😉 so without further ado. CHEERS!

MinHo arrived on the set before GoEun did and he went straight ahead to where Maximus was and petted him because he wants to preoccupy his mind with something else that would keep him from thinking of her.

Tonight was kind of surreal for him, once they had started filming and she was engulfed fully with her character, he too felt her pulling her into the world that she was creating for them. They weren't even performing heavy scenes but when the camera was rolling he can sense her pulling him together with her in the world where she wants them to be.

He hid his fascination of her as much as he could and he's truly glad he still is capable to do so. Now, he thought he just have to keep it up until the very end,

"Right Maximus? Nan halsu isseo." (I can do it.) Asking Maximus while leveling his head to him.

"You can do what, sunbae?" asked GoEun who approached him as soon as she arrived, and had leveled her head to his which is only approximately a foot away from his face.

"Eommayah! You gave me a fright, GoEunssi." MinHo straightened up his back and is now clutching and rubbing his chest, like the mere act will soothe the rapid raising of his heart.

He was really startled but was more concerned if he was speaking out his mind loudly that she might have overheard his inner thoughts which she solely occupies most of the time now.

"Eonje, wasseoyo?" (When did you arrive?) MinHo was still clutching his chest, he really felt like his heart has dropped.

That formal tone didn't escape GoEuns hearing, that almost made her want to confront him right then and there but restrained herself. Not yet GoEunna...but I won't let this night go by without addressing this.

GoEun heard the formality of the way he was talking to her since way back at the first shooting location and she's making it her mission to make him speak informally to her tonight, by hook or by crook.

"Jigeum sunbae, wae? (Just not, why?) Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, it's just that you have been having a one man conversation with yourself so I decided to come and accompany you instead. I think I am better at communication than Maximus."

"Was I? I didn't notice Maximus wasn't paying attention to me?" He said this while patting Maximus mane, and avoiding her eyes as subtle as he could.

"I should have brought his favorite candy but I didn't notice I run out of stock." He still wasn't looking at GoEun and she just let him be while she joined him to pet Maximus but did it on the opposite side. They're facing each other now but Maximus is blocking their sight from each other which MinHo was thankful for but not what GoEun wants.

She took some assorted candies out in her Puffer coat pocket and handed it to him, "Would he like anything from this assortment Sunbae?" GoEun wasn't happy with Maximus blocking her view of him so she went to stand beside him instead, while extending her right hand for him to choose from the assortment of candies that she has.

He looked at her outstretched hand and took 2 pieces of lemon flavored candy and said, "Gomawoyo, lucky Maximus and I, you have our favorite candy flavor with you." Then he unwrapped the candy and gave one to Maximus, while he continued petting him and still not giving her even just a quick glance.

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