Chapter 13 (continuation) : "MILDANG"

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Prelude : Hello dearies! If I have made some of you disappointed with how the first part of Chapter 13 has ended, Mianheyo (I am sincerely sorry). This chapter was kinda long that I just have to divide it in 2 parts. In all honesty I have written probably thousands of medical assessment/evaluations, referrals, medical reports, Policies and Procedures and anything related medical but I never once had any difficulty in expressing my professional thoughts and expertise but in creative writing this sure is far difficult than I have imagined... it makes me realize I have a longggg way to go to be at par with my own expectations.😂 Anyways that's just me putting out my thoughts in the open, for you to get to have a slight peek of the real person writing this story.

Without further ado, I am sharing to you all a song that's very close to my heart...there's a lot of version that's been released up to this time but for me nothing beats the original...hope you both enjoy listening to Sir Elton Johns' : Can You Feel The Love Tonight while reading the last part of this chapter.

Thank you so much for all the love and support and most especially for all your kind words that you all so generously leave in my comment section.

Wishing you all a Happy weekend! God Bless you all wherever you may be. Vaya Con Dios! 🙏❤🖤

*Mildang - the act of push and pull relationship in korean Philippines culture it is called "Urong-sulong" how about in your langauge and culture? share it in the comment section. Saranghae chingudeul! 🤗😘


After they have said their goodnight and goodbyes to everyone, they both headed to where their vans' were parked.

Goeun kind of wondered why she can't locate any of her staff nor his in plain sight. Normally they would be hovering just few meters away from them when they are trying to discreetly distance themselves for them to have some privacy.

"Sunbae, have you seen where did our staff go? I can't find them anywhere." While asking him she is scowering their surroundings but they're really nowhere to be found.

"Maybe they are already waiting for us in the parking lot? Also, they know I wouldn't let you wander around in this dimly lit night streets on your own, so that's why they are confident enough to leave because they know I will not leave you on your own. Do I not make you feel safe?"

I don't feel safe not because of you sunbae, but because of myself... "Ani sunbae, It's not that I don't feel's just that they have never done this before they always wait for me, I am just confused why your staff and mine seemed to have collaborated to abandon us at the same time."

Stopping to his tracks, he face her before answering, "I told them to leave you to my care for the night."

"Mwo? What do you mean leave me to your care? I am not getting your meaning sunbae." She wasn't able to hide the panic in her voice, and this didn't escape MinHos' ears, who is now in doubt if he did the right thing without her permission.

"Mianhe, I should not have decided without asking you first, but if it bothers you so much and you're really not comfortable with me taking you home, Hyeon Taek told me to call him and he will come rushing back to pick you up."

I am going to kill Hyeon Taek for this, "So my crew already left and didn't even bother to at least leave my things behind?" She still can't believe that they would betray her this way, it was obvious to them that she is evading him when they arrive in this location tonight and yet they left her with him anyway.

"They left your things in my car, if you are uneasy we could call Hyeon Taek to come back because I wouldn't let you ride a cab on your own this late hour. My phone is inside my car, so let's call him when we get there... Let's go." MinHo hoped she would not be this unwilling but he can't hide his disappointment even if he was ready for this scenario as well.

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