Why does it feels investigation!?

23 3 8

   I got tagged by Mercyfighter, and I'm really enjoying it.

1. Oh, God I'm really happy being single ryt now so, I wanna stay as it for now........

2. It was yesterday from my mom and my little bro.  I was sick a little and when I recover the gave me a bear hug and I'm really glad they did it.

3.um........not really but if it evolves food maybe I will be jealous *scratches my head *

4. Yaa, I was sick the whole week and that makes me tired at all.

5. Oh, no. What question is this? But whatever I don't chew.

6. 😂😂😂😂 Not really.

7. Yes, once I don't know what happened to me but I can't sleep for 3 days. Is that even possible?

8. Call me whatever you want but I'm too emotional girl. I cry easily even when I saw people's crying mine will flow too.

9. Sitting and reading book.

10. No no I'm more like  light sleeper.

11. I have never been in one so, I don't know that.

12. Nope, I let go things easily and won't stay mad for long time.

It doesn't ask for tags but I will tag some of my friends coz I want them to answer this question









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