Fav world

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I don't know who tagged me on this but Imma gonna do it Yay!

1. I really love all flavors, it's   ice-cream after all.

2. Blue and black

3.  Harry Potter of course

4. Hmmm... Maybe all of the shows I have seen

5. Spider-Man 😁😁

6.  Anything delicious

7. Apple or pineapple 😬😬

8. Basketball and football(Soccer)

9. Cookies 🍪

10. Oh God I hate both.

11. Beach, tho I can't swim coz I had a fear more like panic attack seeing water......... There is a story behind it.

12. Dogs 😍😍

13. Yaa two little sisters but I really love them. Who hates sibling after all?

14. Yupp one little brother he is the youngest one. Only being 5 years old and of course I love him too.

15. Currently no ........

16. Maths and biology

17. Christmas, easter and Ethiopian new year.

18. My parents and siblings of course.

19.  I'm not party person so no need to have one.

20. Dogs

21. Righty

22. I don't have any favorite season

23. Both 😁

24. Doctor

Let the fav world do magic to you so, Imma tag     hiwimulu  psstitsmepotato Mercyfighter  if you guys haven't done it before

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