Chapter 17

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12th Boards month was finally here. Even though the exams were pretty close, the group didn't miss out on celebrating two birthdays. First came Ash's birthday. The gang brought a really adorable cake with Ash and Selene's picture on it, at midnight, at Ash's place. He was surprised and embarrassed at the same time because Selene was on a video call with Ash to wish him and could see the whole thing unfolding.

They both had a good laugh regarding the cake, and while cutting the cake, he cut the top layer of the cake with the picture to eat for himself. It was so cute that the whole group was in fits of laughter. During the day, Ash went out with John to eat something while the rest of the group were busy with their own respective activities.

The next birthday was Selene's. It was pretty ironic that their birthdays were just three days apart. Ash wanted to make her birthday really special so he sought out Jack's help. Jack decided to bring the whole gang together to help out for her birthday. While Ash kept Selene distracted for the day, the gang along with some of Selene's friends decorated her house. Selene's mom interacted with the group and seemed to have a liking for Jack.

Ash didn't leave her side for a minute. He took her to Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) for some food. Then while she was at mass, he went to her home for a short time to help them out. As soon as she was done, he was right there at the church and they went back to CCD again just to while away the time. He genuinely was having the best day as he got to spend so much time with her alone. Once they went home, Selene was shocked but also elated to see everyone and the decor as she hadn't expected it.

The best part of the decor was Selene's pictures on the wall which were the shape of a heart. She cut her cake and while serving snacks her mom asked if anyone would like some gulab jamun. And when Jack asked Alisha if she wanted some, she heard it as 'Julab Jamun' and as soon as she said it everyone burst out in laughter. And when Jack retorted back, Selene's mom laughed too and called him sweet. Jack mocked Ash that Selene's mom found a groom. All in all, the birthday ended with laughs and happy faces.

It was time to hit the books. Messi and Alisha, being science students, were the ones with the most stress and were extremely busy with their studies. Ash helped out Jack in some of the subjects as they both were commerce students. The rest of the group, Nona, Gary, John, and Leo were preparing hard too, and trying to keep distractions away. 12th boards are usually considered the most crucial exams for students. It's also one of the main topics in relatives and family conversations. Trying to get more than Sharma Ji's son has always been a tough task (You also start wondering whether you gave the exams for your career or to get more marks than your cousin). Anyways jokes aside, they all gave their best and awaited the tension-free summer vacations.

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