Chapter 3

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   Emily's p.o.v~~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off , I groaned and got opened my eyes slowly. The Sandlot. I shot up and ran to the restroom and took a quick shower I quickly changed into some shorts,and a black tank top since it was kind of hot, and my black high top converse. I brushed my hair straight and tied it into a ponytail with some hair sticking out and my bangs were brought and tucked behind my ear but it kept going back to my face so I left it alone. I walked to the kitchen and stretched. "morning" I said "wow you're up early" my mom raised her eyebrow at me. "Yeah I'm gonna meet some friends" she nodded and took a sip of her coffee and sat down . I grabbed some cereal as I poured some milk on my bowl I asked my mom what time it was. "7:55" and I nodded. While I ate someone knocked on the door my mom got up and went to get it. She was talking to somebody until she said," Emily sweetie a boy us here to see you" I quickly put my dishes away to see who she was talking about. When I walked to the door , I saw Benny waiting, he was wearing jeans folded on the bottom as always , a muscle shirt and a plaid navy blue shirt over it, with a dark blue cap on while some of his curls were sticking out. When he saw me he smiled, "Um are you ready to go ?" I nodded," bye ma" "bye sweetie bye Benny!" "Bye miss! Nice meeting you!" He said and waved as we walked away. We went to pick up Scotty and we left to the Sandlot.

    Right now me and Smalls were in the outfield, Kenny pitching, Ham swinging and Benny as the catcher and everybody else in there usual spots. While ham was up he was making an impression of Babe Ruth while the boys laughed and we did as well. Kenny had pitched and Ham swinged and missed "woah" Benny said and stood up and passes the ball back to Kenny. "You call that pitching! This is baseball! Not tennis give me something I can hit! " Ham said while Kenny laughed. "Alright Ham ! This is my heater!I Dare You To Hit It!"  "You'll be sorry" ham said. Once he pitched it Ham swong and *CLACK* The ball went flying high, Smalls tried to get it but it went over the fence and we heard a shatter. Ham made his laps around the bases while each guy yelled at him calling him an idiot and they threw there globes at him. "Ham You Idiot! Now We Can't Play No More!!" Benny said annoyed and a little pissed. "What's the big deal ?"I said to Scotty and he shrugged. I saw Benny and the guys start to grabbed there bats and globes, "WAIT A SEC WE'LL GET IT !" We both said and walked to the fence and started climbing it. "NOOOO!!" We heard squints yell we turned to see all the guys running towards us both "guys we'll get it its okay!" But they kept running. Since Benny was the fastest he was ahead of everybody he grabbed me and the guys grabbed Smalls down. Benny had me on his shoulders "But me down !!" I told him while I hitted his back "Let go off me!" I heard smalls say to the guys. When they finally put us down I looked at them crazy "Holy crap you guys could've been killed !" Squints said, "Yeah Yeah truly what were yah doing !" "Well you guys were leaving so-" I cut Scotty off "so we just though we'll climb over and-" but I was cut off by squints "If you were thinking, you wouldn't have thought that." He said " You can't go back there." Benny said looking at us both. "Why not ?" "Yeah how do we get the ball back?" "We dont. Its history," Timmy said, "yeah its history" tommy repeated "kiss it goodbye" "yeah kiss it goodbye" "shut up Tommy" he told Tim. "Its gone man, gone" Bertram said. "The games over, we'll just get another ball tomorrow. We'll never see it again" they said and a few yeah's were passed around. They were about to turn around when I said "Why not" they turned around slowly and stood quiet and exchanged some looks until they finally said all together, then they said all together, " THE BEAST" "What is that?" I asked again. Benny looked at me in the eye then looked down, and walked towards us "Guys listen to me, I want one of you to go to the fence...real slow and be quiet" he licked his lips. "But I-" "No no no no just go over there and one of yah peek through that hole " just one of yah go!" The guys kept saying over and over again.    Smalls looked at me and he nodded and he started walking towards it he leaned down slowly and peek, a few seconds later I heard chains and then the boys took a few steps back and smalls looked in and heard a huge loud growl which made me jump back into Benny's chest and he wrapped an arm around me while I blushed.  Scotty quickly moved away far from it and looked at the boys "w-what was that" they looked at each other and said all at once "Campout!"

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