Chapter 4

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-- In the morning --

My eyes fluttered open just to see sunlight in my face. I groaned and turned to the other side which made me face Benny's chest. I stretched my arms slightly and I smiled at the sight of Benny asleep. He looked so peaceful and calm, his arms were wrapped around me tight. I tried to get out of his grip but he just pulled me closer. "Benny" I whispered, nothing. "Benny!" I whispered louder this time. He groaned and furrowed his eyes, I shook him lightly and he opened his eyes slowly. His light brown eyes were staring at mine while he had a small chessy smile on his face. "Morning " he sighed. "Morning" I smiled. I gave him a small sweet kiss on his lips and his eyes were still closed when I pulled away. "Wow" he mumbled, I blushed a little. "I can get used to that every morning" he finished and smiled while he opened his eyes to look at me. His eyes were full of lust and they were shinning. His lips were moving but I wasn't paying attention ,"I'm sorry what ?" I blushed. "I said you look beautiful" "thank you" I blushed harder. He leaned in and gave me a long kiss, his lips felt great on mine. When we pulled away he was smiling big , I'm pretty sure I looked like a huge idiot with my huge grin on my face. He chuckled and stretched "what time is it anyway ?" He sighed. I sat up "I'm not sure.." I said ,"maybe we should go before it gets to late" and he nodded, we got up and I was about to pick up the pillows while he untied the ropes closing the little roof he had builded. "You could leave those there for next time if you want" he said and I nodded, "ready? " "yeah" I smiled. "Ladies first" he said passing me the rope to swing down. "Thank you" I smiled and I went down first. I landed in the ground and let go, a few moments later he went down to "so where do we go first ?" I asked him. "Well lets go to the sandlot to see if the guys are there" I nodded "can we change first ?" He nodded and we started walking hand in hand to our houses, he then went his way and I went mine. Since it was a little hot I grabbed a black crop top, high waisted shorts, and my black hightops. I walked out to see Benny walking towards me with a smile on his face. He was wearing a white T-shirt with blue sleves and a plaid light blue shirt with the sleves cut off over it and his usual jeans and pf flyers. "Let's go" I said and we started jogging and running to the sandlot.

"Oh my god its sooo hot!" I heard Bertram say as we turned the corner I pulled my hand in front my mouth to keep me from laughing. All the guys were sweating while drinking pop and fanning themselves from the heat. "What are you guys doing" I laughed. "Its hot !" Kenny defended himself as I smirked. "Where's yeah-yeah and squints?" Benny asked. "They went to go get the new ball" Smalls said. And he nodded, "aye toss me one ham" I said and he did as he was told I caught it and opened it like nothing and sat down inbetween Smalls and Benny. We waited and waited and they never got here, after 30 minutes the guys looked like they were frying while I was perfectly fine. Benny was sweating a lot but yet he looked so damn good. "How are you not sweating !?" He said confused and shocked. All the guys head turned to look at me with the same expression. "I'm from Texas" I simply shrugged and drank from my soda. And as I did I saw Squints and Yeah-Yeah walked towards us arguing Benny walked towards them. "Were you guys been ? We've been waiting here forever already !" He said. " Aw, Squints was pervin' a dish " yeah-yeah said.

" Shut up. I wasn't." He defended himself.

"Yeah, yeah, you were!!

Your tongue was hangin' out of your head, and you was swoonin'. Oh, Wendy Peffercorn, my darling lover girl!" He said making us laugh.

" I said shut up! I've got a lot of things on my mind." Squints said as he sat down. "This pop isn't working, Benny. I'm baking like a toasted cheeser! It's so hot here!!" Ham said to Benny while throwing his hat to the ground. "It's 150 degrees out there. You can't play baseball. " squints said to Benny. "You have to call it for the day. You gotta listen to him, Benny!" Bertram said taking a sip from his drink. "Vote then. Anybody who wants to be... a can't hack it panty waist... who wears their mama's bra, raise your hand. " Benny said looking at the guys. All of there hands shot up exept mine and they said "yeah sounds good to me" and "yeah, I can live with that" Benny rolled his eyes, while I giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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