first move

26 7 38

"Everytime he spoke, every contact we made
Sent my heartbeat skipping"


"I will ask Tristan out tomorrow."Maira said out of nowhere but very confidently.

"Sure."Marco replied with a chuckle that literally meant no-way-you-dumb-fool-you'll-stall.

"I will, watch me."Maira replied as if accepting a challenge.

"Good luck weirdo. See you tomorrow." Marco said, skating away on his skateboard towards his house as Maira entered hers.

Yes, they're neighbours. That's partly how they became friends, but that story is for another day/

"Sucker."Maira said under her breath.

Maira left deep breaths, as if she was about to run.

She felt a hand pat her shoulder and she knew who it was.

"Ready for it?"


"What the fuck you sweating for?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Or I'll be. I don't know"

"Stop stalling weirdo."

"Okay, here I go."

As she moved forward, her mind analysed Tristan's attractive features much against her will. It only made her more nervous.

"His blue eyes compliment his face so much."

"Shut up"

"His brown hair must be so soft."

"Where the fuck are these thoughts coming from?"

Whilst she had this conversation with her yin yang, she never realized she had walked up to Tristan and was standing in front of his locker.

Literally blocking him from opening it and taking his books for the next class.

"Hey essay girl, I'm sorry I don't know your name. You wanna tell me something important?" Tristan said with the most polite smile Maira had seen.

He was really polite for a jock.

That's why Maira liked him so much.

Marco watched them with a smile. He was already missing his arts class and he loved his arts classes. But he didn't mind, as long as he saw his bestfriend happy.

"I'll make it quick for you.Okay,okay  I'm sorry— I really like you and are you free this Saturday? We could go somewhere... anywhere; I's an offer you could go or not. I—" Maira managed to speak out through the stammers.

"Hey relax, and sure I am free. How does 7 sound to you?"

Maira stood there like a statue, like her feet were nailed to the ground, like she'd seen a ghost.

His response was way better than what she had expected. She couldn't decide if it was a dream or it was a prank being pulled on her.

Whatever it was it felt good. It fell ecstatic in fact.

She only managed to speak out a squeaky "okay" as a response to Tristan.

"Cool. I'll see you later. Wait— remind me your name again."

"Maira. Maira Sen. " saying this Maira zapped her way through the groups of people in the hallway as Marco laughed at the scene.

Tristan smiled to himself and almost blushed as he saw Maira run. The warm blood rising slowly to his jaws and to his cheeks leaving a warm layer of blush on his cheeks.

"Real CALM" Marco yelled and ran towards the direction Maira had ran.

He could bet she banged her feet atleast 50times while running.

Indeed she had but she couldn't feel anything partly due to her excitement and partly due to the shock from the amazing response Tristan gave.

She was crouched at the far end of the series of lockers when Marco found her.

"He even knows my curfew time Marco." her face lighting up as she said this.

"No shit Sherlock. Everbody in the school knows, the way you zap out of parties it's no shocker." Marco replied crouching beside her.

"He remembers. He said yes. HE SAID YES."Maira said almost letting out her famous excited shout but Marco put his hands over her mouth before that happened.

And they laughed together at this silly moment Maira had.

The first move had been made.

"Your house after school. I'll choose the videogames to take as per our bet."Maira said standing up; even though she had no intention to take his videogame she wanted to see his reaction.

"What the fuck—! No!" Marco gasped at his foolishness.

"We'll see."

"It's on."

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