Chapter 2

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Landon was up and ready while Lori was still sleeping. She kept hitting her alarms and pretending they didn't exist. Landon took a shower then got dressed for the big graduation day. He kept calling and calling Lori but no answer, then she finally did.

"Hello" she said.

"You are still sleeping aren't you?"

"No why would you think that".

"One you are talking in your half asleep voice and I have called you about a 100 times"

"Your point?"

"Aren't we supposed to be going to breakfast?"

"Ugh fine I'll be outside in 20 minutes".

"Not a minute late".

"Yeah yeah".

She hung up the phone and spent 5 of those 20 minutes still laying in bed.

When she finally did get up she took a quick shower. When she got out she looked at what she picked out to wear and realized she wasn't going to be comfortable so she put something else on. She ended up putting on a nice looking T-shirt dress and some leggings. While it didn't look like the nicest thing she was comfortable and that what mattered to her. She grabbed her cap and gown then told her family she was going to breakfast with Landon.

She walked outside and noticed that he was not in front of her house. She looked down the neighborhood and saw him outside so she walked to his house.

"I thought you were picking me up?" She said.

"Remember what you told me last night? I guess you can walk 4 houses".

"So hilarious. Now let's go get some breakfast".

They both got in the car and headed for breakfast. They spent the time driving talking about how are they going to tell their parents about wanting to go on the road trip. The good thing is that Landon already talked to Zach about the car and he got them a great deal on it.

At breakfast they talked more about what they want to see and how excited they are about going. They headed to the school as Landon's ceremony was first and Lori's right after. Once they got to the school Landon went to go check in while Lori went and found their families to sit and watch as she didn't have to check in for a while.

"Lori you made it" her dad said.

"Yup had to make sure Landon got here safe and mainly on time".

As she was sitting and waiting for the ceremony to start she was so glad that she decided to change. Both of their families got front row seats to make sure they embarrassed them.

The ceremony started "welcome family and friends to this years Ocean Mountain university. I am proud of each and everyone's accomplishments and while you are already in the world I hope the next part welcomes you. I hope you all find happiness in your future adventures. Now let's get this ceremony started" the dean said.

The graduation had finally started. Landon was getting closer and then his name was finally called. Everyone went crazy cheering and he was called just in time for Lori to go check in for hers. Lori checked in and waited in line for them to start going in.

"Congratulations Mr. Business man" Lori said as he was walking by.

"Why thank you. I'll say congratulations after yours".

"You know where they are all at right?"

"How could I not you were all loud enough"

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