Chapter 3

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The noises of their alarms were going off in their rooms, Landon turned it off and double checked everything as Lori kept hitting snooze.

Lori actually set her alarm for 10 minutes earlier but it didn't work. After about 10 minutes later she finally got up. Landon just got out of the shower as Lori was about to take hers. Lori was so tired that she could barely keep her eyes open and was questioning why she agreed to this.

Landon was packed ready to go and Lori double checked that she had everything and started walking to Landon's house. Before she left her house her whole family was up telling her to have fun and to be safe.

When she stepped outside Landon was already there ready to go.

"Got up late?" Landon said in a funny sarcastic way.

"Ha ha ha and yes but let's get going".

"Like the car?"

"Yes it's absolutely amazing. Zach pulled through for us".

"Yeah he did".

Lori put her bags in the car and it was the start of their road trip.

Landon was starting the driving as Lori was half asleep, they drove around for a little before heading out of the state. They wanted to go see the Grafton Notch State Park that was on the way, mainly they wanted to see how it looked this early.

"This is beautiful" Lori said.

"Yeah it is".

"We need to come here more often it's so beautiful".

"Yeah we do".

After a little while they reached the you are now leaving Maine sign and got out to take a picture to send to their parents so they know they made it out.

The one thing they were doing is crossing each state as the either entered or left, depending on how they felt like doing it.

"Maine down 49 more states to go" Lori said.

"Woooooo" Landon replied screaming.

Lori started to smell something but she didn't know if her mind was playing tricks on her because she was hungry.

"Landon do you smell food?" She asked

"Yeah I kind of filled that whole bag with food".

She reached over and opened it "nice".

"Help yourself and grab me something".

"I also have food from last night so we are good for a little while".

They were driving and all they saw where trees and they were pretty trees so it wasn't all that bad.

After a while they saw the sign that said welcome to New Hampshire so they got out to take a picture with it.

"Wooo 2 states down" Landon screamed.

Lori just kept looking at him weird because he is never like this.

They were not really good with direction so they just kept driving and driving until they saw somewhere to stop.

They drove until they saw a sign that said Berlin next exit.

"I have to go to the bathroom so can we please stop" Lori said.


The scenery was so amazing that it was hard for Lori not to take pictures with her new camera. Since Landon was driving she was switching back and forth so they both had pictures on their camera.

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