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The pool we're in unexpectedly deep for some reason.

Lee releases me and I'm swirled around in the water before facing him.

His eyes are lit up in a way that the Milky Way would be jealous of how bright and endless they are. His smile stretches across his face like he's some toddler receiving he's first toy car.

Me, on the other hand, is busy drooling all the water out of my body. Luckily we're in water and if we weren't then I don't know we'd be swimming in my drool.

Oh, come on Ashlen! Get yourself together!

Lee stretches out his hand to take mine, a devious-looking smile lingering on his face. He slowly intertwines my free hands with his, the water being the only thing that separates it by the tiniest of millimeter .

He pulls my body closer to his and just the sight of being brushed up against that, that is Lee Adams, is just killing me.

Come on Ashlen, do something! A body movement, a smile, a wink, a kiss!

The smile that possessed my face when he looked at me like a lovesick puppy hasn't left my face even for one nanosecond. His arms hold my waist tightly, his face right in front of mine, his heart layed on the table.

If only we could ...

I'm holding onto his torso and shoulders for dear life because if I didn't , I would slowly be drifting to the bottom of the pool.

The gear we have on is really starting to irritate me, and I can see Lee is itching to remove it as he softly taps his fingers on my lower back.

Even in this wetsuit, you simply cannot miss the touch of Lee Adams.

He looks to the side, smile fading. I can see Andrea written all over his face. My smile slowly disappears, our bodies separating from each other.

What's happening? No! I don't want this to stop!

I grab his arm before I could possibly drift away any further and grip it tightly. He's starting me down, thinking deeply about something. He looks my in the eyes and nods.

Immediate I sense his plan and follow him.

He rips his face gear of in an instant and I shortly after that accompany him, face to face, hand to hand, body to body. We don't have much time before we have to surface for air, so I take upon the job myself.

I press my lips against his, not ever wanting to remove them from the perfect position.

For when I'm with Lee, my whole world fades. My troubles stop chasing me and my fears stop conquering me. His touch makes me relax; more relaxed than I ever could be.

Our lips separate and I'm pulled upwards by the very thing that everyone wants for themselves so greedily.

I surface and gasp for air as if my life depends on it, he on the other hand, is breathing normally without any problems.

I notice no other movement in the water. The guys left, so did the dolphins and all the staff.

I open my mouth to say something but in a second Lee's hand is covering my mouth, "shh, Ash, questions later" he slides his finger down my cheek and they're blood red.

He chuckles at the thought of him being the cause of it.

I'm devastated when he turns around and starts leaving the pool.

"Wh-where are you going?" I manage to get something out of my mouth other than drool.

"I'm freezing" He shrugs and leaves for inside.

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