☆Chapter 2: Now what?

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Kaito's POV

After the mad principal had lost sight of us, we had already retreated from the school's building and had arrived at a nearby park.

Taking this as a chance to relax my sore legs, I let myself drop exhausted on a nearby bench. A few seconds later Meiko collapsed to the sit next to mine.

The Kagamine twins or whatever they are, had arrived here before us and now were face first with the grass.

Not long after Miku and Luka arrived too. Miku did something similar to our collapsing and Luka just breathed heavily with no signs of sweat on her face whatsoever.

After a couple minutes of everyone collecting their breaths, Miku rose up from her sit and exclaimed.

"WHAT DO WE-" she started but got cut off suddenly by Rin.

"WAIT. Where is Gumi?!" The blonde haired girl shouted.


There was a weird noise coming from one of the tree's brunches which caught our attention. We all looked up and were surprised to see Gumi hanging losely from it.

"How did you..." I started but regretted asking immediately ".. no wait I don't wanna know."

An awkward silence enveloped us, but luckily Miku broke it as soon as it started with her previously cut off statement.

"We. just. got. EXPELLED !" She yelled while waving her arms dramatically.

"No shit really?" Replied Rin and Len in unison sarcastically.

Resulting to Miku sending them a dirty look to shut them up.

"As I was saying, we just got kicked out of Yamaha. AKA the second most prestigious school in Japan. What are we gonna do now?" She asked expectantly.

"We didn't need school anymore anyway fellow prodigies." Meiko shrugged.

"LET'S TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD!" Exclaimed the Kagamine teens excitedly.

"Why don't we actually try to get a job? With our skills it's possible." Reminded Luka.

"Why don't we do something fun?" I asked, already getting bored.

"I got it!" Miku exclaimed while slightly jumping, her pigtails moving with her.

No one answered and Miku continued. "Since we got kicked out of Japan's second most prestigious school... why don't we join the first most prestigious school in Japan?" She suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea..." I mumbled.

"Yeah alright sure. But which school is that?" Meiko asked curiously.

"Ouran Academy" Replied Luka, almost immediately.

"Oh!! Our cousin attends Ouran!" Len chirped up, with Rin nodding next to him.

I pity their cousin.

"So then it's settled! Starting next week, we're attending Ouran Academy!" Miku exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Yeah! And let's show that old fart from Yamaha what he lost!" Rin shouted excited before falling into a laughing spree with Len.

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