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“It’s the first time together and I’m feeling kinda horny/Conventional methods of making love kinda bore me/I wanna knock your block off, get my rocks off/Blow your socks off, make sure your G spots soft”

Doin’ It  by  LL Cool J

A/N:I tried to but I couldn't. I miss my baby

Marcel's POV
I couldn't understand what Darius's game was. He knew I dug Rain and she was my favorite out of the others. My head was hurting tryna figure out what his plans was. I couldn't dispose of him because he was part of the hierachy and I couldn't befriend him either because it was clear he didn't like me.

A lot of Nigga's in the hood been underestimating me lately and I wasn't gonna let it stand starting with Darius.

Rain's lips were unresponsive beneath mine and that annoyed the fuck outta me. My grip on the whip was getting stronger.

I let go of the bitch and held it up in the air, it gave a lightening strike sound and Rain jerked beneath me but Darius held her down, shawty wasn't crying yet but it was clear she was frightened. Why was Darius feigning loyalty?

A second plan brewed in my mind, I was willing to let everything go to find out how much of a snake Darius was. Without second thoughts, I let the whip in my hand down on Rain just at the same moment as Darius jumped in to take it. The whip sliced through his bare chest and left an imprint.

"Nigga what the fuck was that?" I screamed at him throwing the whip to the side.

He ignored me completely and helped Rain walk out the door before turning to face me.

"That was me saving your mother fucking ass. How do you think everyone will take you hurting one of the potential mother of your child huh?" He said calmly with an angry undertone in his voice. His eyes were sealed shut and he was trying to bottle up his feelings.

"No body fucking asked you to." I yelled in response. "I'm not a child." I walked to my table and threw everything on it on the floor.

"Then why the fuck do you keep acting like one." He screamed at me finally letting go of his cool, he was seething, he looked dangerous almost murderous.

"I know what you want." I said taking some steps to stand in front of him. The pieces were finally coming together. "I'll like to see you try and get it." I whispered murderously in his ears and then I stormed past him.

Once at the door, I decided to get under his skin once again, rattle him up some more.
"You know, you'll always be the dirt beneath my fingers, my rag doll. Just like every other motherfucker in your family before you." I chuckled and then walked out the door when I saw the veins in his neck pump up.

My head was pounding, I felt like I had no allies in the world. I knew I wasn't a bad person, I could feel it in my bones. I just needed a chance to prove my worth. And I needed to do it fast, this wasn't just a battle to produce an heir, this was a battle to prove to everyone that I am better than Darius.

Feeling the need to calm down, I walked into my daughter's room.
Her nanny was right next to her, she was on her princess sized pink bed and she had SpongeBob on. I hated that show but I let my baby have what ever she wanted.

She ran to me when I walked in and I took her in my arms. I pointed at the nanny and then at the door and she walked out.

I carried my baby to her bed and placed her on my laps, she focused her attention on the TV before her and leaned on me.

I was playing with her hair when I heard her whisper, "Daddy, are you a bad person?" She yawned after that and my brain racked looking for a reasonable response. My hand stopped it's wreckage on her hair and I took in a deep breath.

"Who told you something like that?" I asked trying to contain my anger, I knew I couldn't hold it in much longer.

"Well you always make mommy cry," She said looking up at me, she pouted and I held her cheeks with both my hands. "And I know you hurt people daddy." She continued looking at me with tears brimming in her eyes. She sniffled and then turned to focus on her show again. "Mommy said you need help and that you're re- re. I can't pronounce the word." She shrugged and snuggled into my body warmth.

I placed a kiss on her forehead because that was all I could do. I had no answers, all I had was murder on my mind and that was only proving everything she said to be right.

Keira began making muffled crying sounds and my heart wrenched in two, she was the only person who could make me feel something, her and my papa. And right now I was sad as hell and I couldn't smoke in front of my baby.

"Why are you a bad person daddy? I don't want to be a bad person." She was full blown crying now and panting. As much as I loved her, I knew I couldn't handle her. Kiara had a soft heart, always had one. That was the reason why girls couldn't lead us.

I carefully dropped her in the bed, looked into her teary eyes, muttered a gentle sorry and walked out the room.

Kiara's nanny was right outside the door waiting. "She's having a crisis right now." I nodded at her and she shifted her gaze to the floor. "Console her." I said walking away from the both of them.

My head was in shambles, I could feel it in my veins, the opposition. No one wanted me on the throne and I knew it. I remembered the words of my father, he told me I had to earn loyalty not take it but he din say nothing more than that before fucking up and getting himself killed. I punched the fucking wall right next to me and walked down the stairs to my bar.

I picked up a drink in the dimly lighted room and sent all the bitches in the room out when one tried to approach me. They were lucky I didn't have my gun with me.

I uncorked the bottle and took a drag. I didn't drink often especially not in the mansion, too many eyes around. I couldn't control my emotions when I drank and I knew it but right now I wanted to forget and this was the only thing that could help me.

I took another deep chug and then another and another and soon I was down under. I gathered three more drinks in my hands and stumbled out of the room.

No one was around and I was sure it was past midnight. Kiara said I needed help and there was only one person that could help me. I swaggered while I walked but I made it to my destination and without knocking, I barged into the room where Rain and her companion slept.

Through blurry eyes, I watched Rain open her tired eyes and then pull the covers up when she saw it was me, not that I minded.

I placed the drinks on the floor next to me and held my hair in my hands. I uttered the very words that plagued my mind from the very first moment I held the first bottle.

"Am I a bad person?"

I wish this was all about Marcel.
I'm so glad alot of y'all are reading this. Thank you.
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