Chapter 11

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[Masked man #2 POV]

"Aye uh, Ben..what are you going to do about her being on the news as much as she is now ? I didn't think you'd be keeping her this long in the first place man." I spoke to one of the guys I thought was my best friend as I took off my mask.

"The fuck do you mean what am I gonna do bruh ? I'm gonna keep her exactly where the hell she is. If I start moving now people are going to really suspect something is up with me as if you don't know they stare at me like I'm crazy enough." He replied in a hasty type of tone.

I never wanted to do this shit.. Never wanted to be a part of it but he threatened to kill me and my family if I didn't do this with him and stay firm on it. Yes, I know that this is threatening a bunch of people's lives being that Y/N is now "disappeared" and it's affecting me. At first, I didn't really care because I didn't know I thought he was joking when he said we were going to kidnap her because he's always liked her but when it came down to it and he brought her out then shoved her limp body in the backseat there was nothing I could do with a gun pointed to my head.

"Shawn!! I'm fucking talking to you!" He yelled.

"What man ? What ? I didn't hear you, I was thinking about my sister and her new boyfriend." I quickly lied.

"Oh, I thought you were getting cold feet the way you were standing there. Jess' got a new boyfriend ? Do I need to go see what's up with him ?" He asked, his heavy Italian mixed accent flying fluently with each word as he spoke.

I shook my head and smiled. "Nah, nah.. I got it if anything is wrong or happens. Imma head out now before moms gets on my case about being out so late." I said, dapping him up then heading out.

I left feeling nothing but regret because leaving Y/N in the house with Ben meant more torture for her until he felt it was enough. The scars on her body, the weakness I could see in her, the sadness when I looked in her eyes was enough to make me want to free her from this shit and that's what I planned on doing tonight. I had an extra key to Ben's place and used it whenever I felt it was necessary. Having this on my conscience was not about to drive me to the mental institution so if freeing Y/N meant getting a "friend" put in jail.. Then I'd do it. No one deserved this bullshit and I wasn't going to be around it or caught up in it any longer.

I waited until it got really late maybe around 1am/2am when I knew Ben was out cold due to sleeping pills and liquor and snuck into his house making sure to be extra quiet with everything I did. First I made sure he was in his bed asleep and gratefully he was.

I creeped down to his basement making sure to take a knife in case he woke up and tried to attack me in the act. When I got down there Y/N was watching my every move through her heavy eyes, she looked tired but I knew she was going to be restless in this situation. I crept in front of her and began quickly untying the ropes from around her wrists and feet then pulled the tape off of her mouth.

"I need you to do everything I say if you want to get out of here alive Y/N.. I know I should've helped you from the jump but he threatened to kill me and my family. I'm not trying to take that risk but you don't deserve any of this. So please, please do everything I say." I spoke to her in a hurried whisper tone.

She nodded her head quickly and tried to stand up, shaking and trembling as she took the first steps she's ever taken in 2 months. I shook my head and picked her up keeping the knife clutched tight in my hands, she was light due to loosing weight from not being fed from time to time so it was easy for me to quickly and quietly carry her up the stairs.

"Hey Shawn, is that you ?" I heard Bens voice and my heart immediately dropped. I remained silent and felt Y/N sinking into my arms because of Ben, I held my breath and hoped that he didn't come to check after a few moments of silence I heard him snoring and sighed out of relief.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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