iv. an informant's infamy

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"Hello, how can I help you -- no."

Your face was a deadpan as you looked over at the new customer, unenthused as to who it was. The man in question grinned coyly, spreading out his hands.

"Aw, is that any way to treat an old friend, [Y/n]?"

You snorted humorlessly. "I could never see you again, Hisoka, and it would still be too soon."

Hisoka Morow, 29 years old, and a transmuter. If you had a physical list of people you hated, the top five slots would all be reserved to the annoying pain in the ass in front of you.

Clearly unbothered by your remark, Hisoka casually strolled in, topaz eyes running over everything. You were immediately on guard - whenever Hisoka was around, trouble always followed. You didn't trust him at all, and were already at a huge disadvantage. Your hatsu was purely for information, not at all suited for combat. You had seen Hisoka's combative ability thrice before, and each time his opponents wound up mutilated and dead.

He had a penchant for seeking out strong opponents and discarding the weak - it honestly confused you why he bothered with you at all. Did he sense some hidden potential, or were you just really fun to annoy? You didn't know the answer. You weren't sure you wanted to know the answer.

"I need some information."

You nearly dropped the pen you had been holding out of shock, a rare occurrence for you as you met his eyes. His face was serious, an expression that chilled you to the bone. It bothered you almost as much as the fact that Hisoka Morow was coming to you for information. A scenario you would have never thought possible.

Blinking a couple times, you gazed at the man as if he had grown a second head. "You.... Need information?"

Hisoka huffed, striding forward. "Is that so hard to believe, little informant?" You bristled at the nickname, and his eyes twinkled in amusement at your reaction. "I'm afraid I very well may need to find a nen exorcist soon, but unfortunately do not know of any."

A nen exorcist? A strange request, but not completely invalid. If Hisoka had a nen curse placed on him, you would definitely leave him to die without a second of hesitation, but he seemed completely fine. No, this nen exorcist was probably for somebody else, unfortunately. However, a nen exorcist... They were increasingly rare, a trade very few even pursued, let alone excelled in. You had met one nen exorcist long ago, and you had seen him die yourself.

You didn't like not having the information to help others, although the fact that it was Hisoka made you feel just a bit better.

"I don't know of any," you admitted, meeting his gaze. "Why, though?"

For a moment, he stared at you, and upon realizing you were telling the truth he sighed and pulled back, clearly disappointed. "I guess you'll never find out, little informant."

He lifted a hand in a disinterested wave, already heading out of the door without any further conversation. "Bye bye~."

That was a bit... Anti-climatic.

Once you couldn't feel his presence, you had slumped, feeling drained. You were always on edge around Hisoka, and every encounter with him left you drained. It didn't help that, not even two hours prior had you dealt with Chrollo, and before that, Gon and his little merry band. These encounters with familiar faces made your introvert self want to take a break from the entire world. The only thing that kept you from completely doing that was the reminder that, once again, you had bills to pay.

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