Chapter VII - Just Another Day

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January 21, 2041
Unknown Regions
_-_-_-_-_(THEO'S STANDPOINT)_-_-_-_-_

Here are we today. I am trying to take a shit here, while these guys kept babbling about our current course. It seems like we're trying to traverse the entirety of Andromeda, but NaviStar's system is about to fail. Fuel is still in mint condition since it's nuclear, while food and energy reserves are still good as well.

What's the point, really? We can just land somewhere good while we fix our computer system. Fred over there just don't care for no shit at all, but he's still important. He's our chem guy.

"Alrighty... looks like we're setting course on this planet." Marsha then showed us five a planet that looks almost as green as anything. It's a swamp planet, obviously, and oh my! We're going to die there.

Allegra interjected, "Wait! Are we gonna be safe there?"

"Probably not, but we'll just have to see it!" Marsha then set course for the planet. I was just sitting there confused on a very tight seatbelt. We then jumped into hyperspace, and it was kinda funny! We all felt like we're gonna throw up any moment!

And so, we finally arrived at the planet. As expected, it's full of forest. If I find a Yoda here, expect that I'll become a Jedi.

"Where to land, Theo?" Allegra asked me where to land, and I cannot think of an answer immediately. So I decided to land on a plain, but doing so will have to make us encircle the whole planet first. But since this is a fast ship, not gonna lie, it was fine.

I actually expected this, but apparently, there was no plains, meaning that we have to land on the trees. Our final option would be entering the atmosphere, and you know... just crash land.

And so we did. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" A typical line but Alicia shouted it anyway! We barely had any other choice. Good thing, it was less damage than I realized. Broken wings and a malfunctioning NaviStar! What more could you ask for!?

Well I thought that this day couldn't get any worse like the past days! I was wrong. We had to past through an asteroid field, which we are not good at, almost caught up in a black hole, only to be saved by the NaviStar deploying its tunnel projector, and almost being wiped out entirely because August drilled a hole!

Oh man, I really wish I didn't accept what Dr. Atanaki offered me, if it wasn't for his kidnap tactic! Anyways... I had to get out of the ship. Luckily, the planet's bombarded with oxygen, so no need to use our helmet.

"Huh... a perfectly normal swamp after all!" Fred said, as he was covering up his nose due to the unpleasant air that he's smelling. What is he smelling anyway? It's perfectly normal, well... maybe to me. My friends are also battling out that freaking smell. Welp, I guess my nose is blocked!

We were checking our flaps and yep! All broken. And worse? We're even trapped in a freaking swamp! I know that this ain't the end yet, because when I was travelling around the swamp looking for a possible civilization, I noticed that there's a freaking town! So I ran for help by screaming of course, and surprise! They caught me, bearing their freaking sticks! My expectations were low, but holy fuck!

And with any man in those pesky movies, I tried to ran back to our camp, where they're trying to transmit their SOS everywhere... even though, as mentioned again and again, WE'RE ON A DIFFERENT PLANET ON A DIFFERENT GALAXY!!

"GUUUUYS!!!! GEEEEZZZ, INCOMING!!!" I came running to them like a sissy girl while they were acting like they just don't see your point of running, until they saw the aliens. So what did they do? They ran too... just like that!

Oh boy. I must tell you, we have a boatload of artilleries. Heck, we even hired Marsha Kobayashi for these special occasions, and yet we ran.

Luckily, Alicia was able to grab one of the guns. When she fired the shot, the sticks that the alien guards were charging at us turned into rods that shoot lasers!

"LASERS ON STICKS!? WHOA, WHAT AWESOME TECHNOLOGY!" Fred said, all while running at a fast pace. He's actually a good runner... at every MAPEH class at least.

Eventually, we were surrounded. We had no choice but to raised our hands and surrender. The guards took us in like criminals, even though we aren't trying to do anything stupid.

We walked to the town, where civilization is vastly progressive. I can't stress this enough! The city is too damn powerful, it screams future! Man, I wish they could talk like us... like, in English.

We were presented at what seems to be a holding station for people with charges, in front of an officer-like figure. At first, we can't understand ANYTHING they're saying, so Allegra tried to butt in. "We're from Milky Way, the sister of your galaxy!"

Obviously, the officer wasn't able to understand us as well, so he tried to like... smack his glasses with his fingers. So uncool, but it actually his translator, so that he may be able to hear us.

"There you go... does this sound better?" said by the officer, while trying to fix his vision. "Y- Yes, officer!" Allegra said nervously.

"Don't call me an officer, I'm just here to press charges on you... assaulting and no authorization of landing." When we heard that, we were so shocked; not even scared. Because, they have LAWS!!? All those alien movies were a lie!!

"I- Is it bad, sire?" As Fred said those words, tears came rolling down our cheeks. "Nah... just the usual charges. You'll be fine as soon as possible. But since you're all foreign and you just need your way back up there, all is dismissed. But... there's a catch" We're about to jump in joy... I though we're dead!

"You'll be needing to present yourself at the leader of our city first. By the way, welcome to Arsevalia, the only town in a plain surrounded by swamp. I am Geebolin Karti, but my friends call me Gee only. Let's go" "Well what about our ship? Is it going to be destroyed, hecause it's been almost a month since it was launched." August asked.

"Oh don't worry, your ship is safe with us. We'll just need you to hand over the plans to the spacecraft, and we'll try to fix it according to... it."

As a really reliant dickhead from Manila about to die, I handed over, but Marsha interrupted me and whispered something, "I don't trust this guy. Either you hand him over the copy." "Okay, that's a great idea."

So, I did make a copy first by hiding the capsule containing the plans on my back, then Marsha opened her cloning pod. Afterwards, we handed over the copy... nothing bad happened.

"Perfect! Now... be sure to get ready. Our leader may not like insolent visitors like you."


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