Chapter VIII - Arsevalia State of Mind

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January 21, 2041
The Arsevalian Hall

I'm actually scared the whole time. Even though I look calm to all of them... yeah this is too weird for me. Even though I looked at every manga I read and think that anything weird here is normal, nope! Everything weird right now is reality.

That's why when we're about to go and meet the leader of this town called Arsevalia or something, I was so scared that they might put us to death or something. THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT MY DEATH TO BE THIS WAY!!

Welp! It's our time to talk with him. Hope he speaks English. We were taken to a vehicle which will take us to their town hall. When we arrived, lot of guards were seen! Do they glorify him? Is this a king? I don't know how to make up my mind right now. It's still blank.

"GANVAI ORTO AMPRUDAI!!" Said one of the workers there, seems to be chanting a phrase. When he said those words, the guards we saw earlier outside the building came inside then blew their horns. Wow... just creating an appointment with their leader can be ceremonial.

And then from the top view, the leader is seen. We took a bow, only to realize that it's not their etiquette. "What are those foreign subjects doing? Arise, ye nitwits!"

Okay, I know. Calling us "nitwits" seems mean, but keep in mind! We're all wanderers of Andromeda, so what can we do? At least now, they can speak our language... or so I thought.

Theo tried to befriend the old hag-- I meant the leader, and it seems like he can understand our situation right now.

"Dear leader, my name is Theo from Earth in a far away galaxy!" What the heck? Theo, you sound like an Anglo-Saxon messenger! He should've said 'Hi, we're from Earth!' instead of doing all the bullshit! But since again, we're foreign subjects! WHAT CAN WE DO!?

"You're from far away galaxy, per se? How many days have you been in flight?" "Umm... probably like a month now."

The leader seems to not take our answer because it's not possible for them to go this far. But we have a lightspeed engine, so it's now possible.

"Hmm... that is too impossible for you to go this far. Broaden your testimony, please." "I- It's hyperspace, dear leader! We've developed a portal-emitting machinery!"

The leader seems to be convinced now. Thank heavens. He came down like a falling boulder then shook our hands like there was a negotiation that happened. He kept saying sorry! Oh my... from the looks of it, this guy is manipulative!

The leader then took one of his guards and made him guide us throughout Arsevalia. Jeez... does he have any freaking tour guide? I feel bad... the guard has swelling eyebags, it made him look like an old man! I doubt that this is his first time.

Theo stepped in to help the man who's already sleepy. "Hey, listen... if we may... it's okay. You can rest for now. We'll be on our way." Damn... the guard is hesitant. "N- No.... I... I've been... ORDERED.... by the g- great.... LEADER.... to..." Until he just couldn't take it, he just slumped into the ground.

Of course, Alicia being the caring girl that she is, we carried him to the nearest guard station that we can find. He can sleep from there.

Anyways, we are back on track. We first explored the whole place. I gotta say, it's packed. They have the decency of New York! All flying cars and tons of people around! I mean... they're all aliens, but that's not the point!

"This is one hefty land." Allegra said, as we were all walking. This is the largest city I've been to. The night life is great, and the people as well! Probably because their aerial borders are always open and visitors from other neighboring planets come here very often, so they are very welcoming. This feels... exactly my kind of utopia.

And as expected, we stumbled upon a bar. Yes... A BAR. IT IS WHAT YOU THINK IT IS... A place where they serve cold drinks! Kinda weird to be honest, but we gotta take it! We took "some" drinks, but we have to slowly drink it to avoid being wasted totally.

Allegra seems to be drunk, because she starts telling us sincere things. "Guys... I've never had this much fun with you. Going into different places across the universe is enough experience for me. Let it be known... that you'll always be my friends 'til I die."

Did she really mean that, or was she really just drunk? I can ratify that, but in her true sincerity, I think she means a lot of that. Not really, I am very confident that she's just had too much of it.

"Aww... same," August said, "If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be here making history. I always said to myself, 'We'll be the first ones!', and now... we're here. I can't thank you enough now."

Oh great! Now everyone is teary-eyed, including me. Theo then put his right hand on his table. "Here... put your hands above mine. We've been called upon... and we will fulfill it." SERIOUSLY, STOP DRINKING! Y'ALL ARE NOT LIKE THIS WHEN WE DIVED OUTSIDE THE SOLAR SYSTEM!!

We all put our hands on his. Afterwards, some chum just stepped into our table, all being suspicious of us.

"Hey... my buddy over there says he doesn't like you all." We all just ignored him, until he landed his sword at our tables. "I don't like y'all either. You better leave this place, or you'll be dead. Go back to where you came from."

Again... ignorance. It always works until patience is out. Until he pushed Marsha out of her seat so she fell down. We quickly stood up and showed our weapons at him. A standoff it was. Marsha then stood up and charged the big guy, and then everything just turned into a bar fight! Is this, like, a normal day!?

We had to leave, but we were cornered by the same guy, along with his five other big guys! Is this how my death is gonna be? Are we gonna go down as the first humans to be pummeled to death by five wrestlers, all at the same time!? Dear parents, we were raised beautifully, but gomenasai.

We all closed our eyes as they got near us, and for a blink of an eye, the six guys were all lying on the floor. All we can see is a person in a dress holding a ball.

"Hey you. You seem to be no ordinary. Wanna come with me?"

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