~ Chapter 24 ~

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Abel quickly falls asleep, but I can't.

What happened?

He was acting crazy.

It was scary.

Why did he want me to tell him I love him so desperately?

Geez, what did his exes do to him?

Maybe that should be a red flag and I should push him away.

But I can't, I'm worried about him, I don't think I quite noticed it before, but somethings really wrong with him.

And I don't mean it in a rude way, I mean it like I'm concerned for him way.

I like him, that wasn't a lie.

But, I love him was one.

I never want to lie about that, but Abel basically forced me, I wasn't about to let him have sex with me in his mom's house, I couldn't hold in my moans.

Not with his bedroom skills, he knows my body too well.

If we weren't at his mom's house, I wouldn't tell him I love him, just 'cause I love when he's angerily having sex with me.

He does it so hard and fast, I might be a bad girl for this, but sometimes before we have sex I'll bring up Elijah and he'll yell at me for it during it. I can't help it, mad Abel turns me on.

I don't think he's caught onto that yet.

That's a good thing, 'cause I don't want him to know.

I don't know if it's a kink or something, but I don't think it's normal.

Gosh I have serious problems, I need to just go to sleep.

But, Abel I want to help him.

I just need to damn sleep.


"Let me take your bag Chiquita."

"No no, please it's fine Abel."

"Allow me Princess."



"It's f-"

He takes my suitcase and begins walking away.

Son of a-


"He's quite stubborn dear."

"Yeah, now I need to take his bag."

I'm about to take his suitcase to the car when Samara stops me.

"Wait dear, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Oh, of course Ms.Tesfaye."

I follow her back inside.

"Chiquita please take care of my Abel, he's been through a lot, and he deserves to be happy."

Abel was right!

She does think I can make him happy.

That's a sweet thought, but I'm just a 19 year old, what can I possibly do for this grown man?

How can I possibly make him happy?

"Ms.Tesfaye, I'm still trying to figure things out myself, I don't think I'm what he needs."

"I understand sweetie, but don't sell yourself short, I've known you only for a short while, but I see a light in his eyes when he looks at you, a spark. He has strong feelings for you, you said you'd give him a chance, please go through with it just give him a chance, for me?"

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