chp. 14

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Bellflower and Stella have been in the office for a couple of hours now, chatting, swapping black mail and doing random things you would do at a sleepover. Right now, Stella just finished doing Bellflower's dark blue nails.

"These are so good! God, I love these!" Bellflower squealed. Stella looked proud at her work as they laid on the floor. Around the office were pillows, blankets, stickers, tea, stuffed toy animals, junk food and other things.

It was around 11:30 pm and Bellflower had already changed into blue PJ pants that she bought at the mens section and a black tank top. Even though Stella didn't need a shirt, she still changed into the extra large light pink tee-shirt Bellflower has for when she feels extra lazy. The shirt's hem dragged on the floor and the sleeves reached her wrist.

Stella looked at herself in the body mirror they brought from the storage room and looked at her reflection with her green bow and pink shirt and sighed. Bellflower looked at her already knowing what was coming for she complained the first time she tried on the shirt.

"I look like a shy guy, and those guys are weird. They don't even talk," Stella complained as Bellflower rolled her eyes at the fifth time she complained.

Knock Knock

Daisy popped her head on with papers in her hand. She walked in and looked around the messy office. She spotted Bellflower and handed her the papers.

"Here, I forgot to give you these," she said as she handed the paperwork over. She still felt a little unsure about Stella, seeing as she was one of Bowser's workers. The others felt the same way, but Bellflower swears she's not evil, and they trust Bellflower, so here they are, with a loops in the kingdom. Bellflower suggested it's better if Stella spends the night in the castle. She said that it's better to keep her out of the peoples view for now.

As Bellflower reached out to get them from the floor she was laying on, Daisy spotted her nails. She dropped the papers on the floor and instantly grabbed Bellflower's hand.

"Oh lord! Where did you get these done? They're amazing!" she yelled. Bellflower smiled and pointed at Stella who was posing in front of the mirror. Stella suddenly stopped when the spotlight was on her.

"Can you do my nails?! Please?!" Daisy begged, already forgetting her distrust in Stella. Stella shrinked, not liking it when people begged.

"Yeah, definitely," Stella answered. Daisy smiled and sat down on the floor next to Bellflower who was laying on the floor.

"No, what are you wearing? If you're going to be in this sleepover, change into something more comfortable," Bellflower tutted. Daisy nodded and ran to her room. She changed quickly into yellow shorts and a white tank top.

Daisy quickly set herself down on the floor and waited for Stella with a grin. Stella sat herself in front of Daisy.

"So, what color do you want?"


After Daisy got her nails glossy yellow, they all ran to the kitchen to get snacks and tea and hurried back to the office. They all laid around, Stella sat with a blanket around her. Daisy laid next to her on her stomach. Bellflower sat in front of them with a plump blanket around her. They all had their cup of lemon tea.

"So, any romance in anyone's lives?" Daisy teased. Stella and Bellflower's blush didn't go unnoticed by Daisy.

"Who are they?" she grinned eagerly.

"Stella is crushing on a soldier named Bucky, speaking of him, did you ask him out?" Bellflower pointed out. Stella blushed harder.

"I-yes, he said yes!" she squealed. Daisy and Bellflower squealed.

"Is he cute?" Daisy asked, wanting to know who is dating her new found friend.

"Oh, he's handsome, but enough about me, what about you, Daisy?," Stella redirects. Stella and Bellflower both knew that no one in the mushroom kingdom could find out about Bellflower's obvious crush on Bowser. Who know what will happen if word got out.

"Oh, me? No one, really" Daisy stated.

"Really, no one, not a single soul, absolutely nobody?" Bellflower pressed. Daisy gulped.

"Well, I've kind been seeing Luigi behind everybody's backs," Daisy confessed.

"Yeah, I know," Bellflower stated while sipping her tea. Daisy choked on air.

"We'll, if you knew why did you want me to tell you?"

"I wanted to hear you admit it, and plus, our dear friend Stella didn't know," Bellflower teased. Daisy let out a groan as Stella chuckled.

"Oh yeah? So who do you like? You've heard us say all our crushes, so now it's your turn. Who do you like," Daisy demand, determination to make things fair and satisfy her curiosity. Daisy is a lot of things, but one thing she really is is determined.

"Pfft, you know me, I haven't had feelings since that scum left me," Bellflower stated. Now this threw Stella off. She's never heard about this before. But this obviously wasn't new news to Daisy.

"Bullshit, I know you like someone. You've got that same aura and attitude when you were with him," Daisy persisted. Stella stared between Daisy and Bellflower who was stood up.

"You know, I have to go..." Bellflower said steadily and made a dash for the door but was quickly dog piled on by Daisy and Stella. Stella needed to know more about this dude who seemed to have broke Bellflower's heart and Daisy wanted to know who stole her new one. Bellflower gasped for air as Daisy and Stella showed no sign of getting off.

"Tell us!" they exclaimed.

"Never!" she yelled as she managed to wiggle out from under them and run out the door. Daisy dashed out behind her. Stella tried to chase after but tripped on the t-shirt but quickly caught up with Daisy.

Bellflower panicked and hid in a wardrobe. Just as she closed the wardrobe doors, the doors to the room busted open and feet can be heard scattering in. Daisy and Stella.

They quickly found Bellflower's hiding place and pressed their body against the door of the wardrobe so she would be trapped in. Bellflower banged her fist against the doors.

"Okay, ha ha, real funny guys. Let me out now," Bellflower said flatly.

"No, we are not letting you out until you tell us!" Daisy yelled, putting more force on the door. She was still under the impression that Stella didn't know who her new crush was.

"Fine, it's the baker boy," she lied, trying to get out.

"Nope! Wrong answer!" Daisy yelled. Bellflower frowned in confusion.

"How do you know if that's who I like or not!" Bellflower yelled through the doors.

"Because I can tell who you truly like,"

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