Chapter Three

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I am walking towards the nurse station while looking at my patient's chart. All I can do is sigh upon reading his medical history. He's still a kid, but his life is already at risk.

"Aww, Mom, masakit." I heard someone whine.

"I hope that serves you a lesson. Hay nako'ng bata ka talaga!"

A familiar voice rang in my ear. That voice. I am quite sure that's her. I lift my head to scan the waiting area. But I see no trace of the person I was looking for. Hay, stress might have occupied my hearing too.

"I-kape mo na lang 'yan, Madison."


I yawned. I am waiting for my coffee to be brewed, standing in front of the coffee machine. When it was finally done, I picked it up and made it out of the lounge. As I look outside, parang it's going to rain and I have a bad feeling about this. My instinct says that this day and the next days will be the worst of all the days I have been through. Though I'm not claiming that, I still can't help but worry.


Mel, Rory, and Dee are walking in my direction. They are so full of energy, I wonder what happened to me.

"Manang, I need you to get into my patient's case," Diana said. I frowned.

"Uh, why? What's his condition?" I wondered. She went near me and we started walking together with Mel and Rory at the back

"I only got the chance to talk to his mother, eh. She said that he had CHD (Congenital Heart Defect) and had been complaining of chest pains in the past few days. Which is by the way why I offered you as their attending Cardio before we could go through his ankle operation."

"Okay, then," I faced the two at our back. They stopped chit-chatting when they saw me looking at them. "Your pictures were nice, Melvin."

I grinned, remembering the photos that Dee and Rory tweeted. Mel rolled his eyes and hit the top of my head, making me scoff while looking at her pissed face.

"It's Melia, not Melvin. At saka hindi ako 'yon, ano. Hindi ko 'yon kilala. Kadiri!" she muttered. We let out a small laugh before we continued walking.

We were full of laughter until I saw a person's figure that I was expecting to not see anymore. This might be the storm my instinct was telling me. After all that happened in the past, it would probably be awkward since things between us didn't end quite well.

People from my past keep coming back. What the hell?

"Hoy! Isn't that..." Rory started to notice the person who was walking on our way. They all followed where her index finger was pointed at.

"I-It's... that's..." Dee's lips parted.

"Si ano nga! 'Yung ano... Si... Si Levi!" Mel exclaimed the last three words, loud enough for all the Nurses and Doctors who were walking in the hallway to hear.


The last thing I knew was my vision went black.


"What is that man doing here? Sa dami ng ospital, dito pa," Rory uttered. I drank water as Dee fanned me with her abaniko. My lower lip has been in pain since I've been biting it after waking up from that sudden unconsciousness.

They too are still shocked by who we saw earlier. Mel was about to say something when Lillana barged in, panting. She sat beside me and scanned my face.

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