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Rant topic: Politics

If you are an American, you would know that this is the time to get voting.

I've been eligible to vote for two years and I still don't care to vote. Not because I don't understand politics (which is only part of it), but mostly because politicians are liars.

They manipulate you, they brainwash you and they give you these BS promises. The worst part, once they're elected president, they don't give a shit about what you want or what they promised you. All they care about was that we fell for their lies.

My parents are forcing me to vote this Fall. They may want to but I don't want to give the politicians the satisfaction of voting for them. I don't know if this applies to all politians, but how could we tell the difference between liars and......truthers?? Lol!

My parents may say I can vote for whoever I want...

Highly doubt that.

If I vote for the wrong person, they'd most likely disown me.

They blame the politicans for ALL THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS! You'd think, as Christian as they are, that they'd think God is behind this COVID virus. But no. He has no control over what happens to us. It's the politicans that are at fault for everything that's happening.

It's not the politicians making this virus worse. It's the dumb people refusing to wear masks in public or refusing to stay six feet apart.

If any of you have seen Five Feet Apart starring Cole Sprouse and Haley Richardson, you would get the joke referring that they were supposed to say six feet apart. Because they loved each other, they stayed an extra foot closer and look where that got them. STELLA ALMOST GOT B-CEPACIA!

We're steering off topic, but bottom line is that the politicians are liars and that we shouldn't give them the satisfaction by voting for them.

Ahhhhhhh, that feels good to get this off my chest. It's been weighing on me all morning!

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