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Rant topic: Rules

Like every household, there are rules.

●No eating in your room

●No name-calling

●Help clean around the house

None of you know this, but I'm the youngest in my family. You would think that even the older siblings have to follow the rules as well. But no, no. No, no, no, no. The rules seem to only apply to me. My brothers moved out a long time, so it's just my sister and me. The rules do not apply to her.

I can't eat in my room, but my sister can. She can attract rats and ants for all my parents care.

I can't call her a pig (which she is), but she can call me a 'wittle baby'. Which she does about a hundred times a day.

As for cleaning around the house, let's settle in and get ready for storytime with Gracie.

My sister's boyfriend was coming over for dinner one night. My parents were working and asked for my sister and I to help clean around the house for HER company. Surprise, surprise! She went out with him instead. I vacuumed, dusted, unloaded/loaded the dishwasher. Me, thinking Mom knew she was going out, didn't do her part of the chores as an act of rebellion.


That night, Mom was absolutely livid.

BUT it wasn't just that night. My sister continues to not clean the house and Mom doesn't care!!

*breathes in and breathes out* That feels good to get off my chest.

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