Wildfires: Are they Purposely Being Set Off??

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Rant topic: Wildfires: Are They Purposely Being Set Off?

Before I get into this rant, I apologize for not being active on here. I've been caught up reading books on my current account, but I'm back with more annoying venting!

As you all know, there's a lot going on in the world right now: the Coronavirus and the wildfires happening everywhere. I hope you are all being safe (even though we're being stuck inside the house for yet ANOTHER reason). I heard that these fires are NOT natural. People are setting them off on purpose because they're retarded apparently.

Who in their right mind thinks it's okay to set off wildfires that destroy homes and thousands of lives? What good would that do? NO good!

There's already enough going on. Don't be a jerk face (I wanna say a worse name, but out of respect, I'm not) and make it worse than it already is!

Yesterday was the nineteenth anniversary of 9/11, but the fires started long before then, so it couldn't have been a terrorist attack unless they were preparing in advance?

Whatever the case, I know they're some messed up people in this world, but setting wildfires on purpose is crossing the line. People have homes, scared children and asthma and can't handle that stuff.

So, message to everyone: please be safe out there and try to stay in as much as you can to avoid the air pollution. I know we were already doing that because of COVID, but just be safe and stay home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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