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Rant topic: Acne

We all suffer from it. And we all wonder why it has to exist.

In February (I think), I had horrible hormone acne on the side of my cheeks. It looked so red and the pimples WOULD NOT POP!

Thankfully, in early March, I was able to get in to see a dermatologist and now, even on my period, my skin is crystal clear!

A few months later, my forehead was breaking out and the doctor recommended putting my cream mixed with the moisturizer (because the cream is drying for your skin) every night and that eventually helped.

Now my nose, the oiliest part of my face, is breaking out.


I try to pop the pimples because they bug me too much, but then I end up scarring my face!

Whenever you feel good about your skin, you're skin's like: Shit. We're making her feel too confident. Get worse, get worse.

Gracie's Rant BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora