Till Friday

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"Thank you for a wonderful show tonight London!" Harry yelled before following the other boys off stage.

Eleanor looked up from her book. "Is it over?" She asked Larry who was grabbing her purse from off the floor. "Yep, you ready to go?" "I have to go back stage remember. But I don't know how to get there."

Like clockwork a security guard walks up to Eleanor with a stern look on his face. "Are you Eleanor?" "Yes, why?" "I'm Paul, here to take you to see the boys, but don't get too excited, there are rules." "Like what?" Larry asked while putting in her chapstick. "You aren't allowed to talk about anything that happens once you're there, don't touch the boys unless they allow you and absolutely no pictures. Now follow me"

Eleanor and Larry trailed behind Paul as he guided them to the dressing room. Eleanor could feel her heart racing and she didn't know why. She wasn't a One Direction fan. She thought maybe it's because she's scared that they'll judge her wide framed glasses leggings and sweater combo she was wearing that night, but why would they care? after tonight she would probably never see them again, right?

Next thing she knows they're there. Paul's knocking on the door when suddenly it opens. A blonde haired boy with sweat dripping down his face is holding the door. "You wanted me?" Eleanor says less confident then she hoped. "We don't, but they do." Niall said pointing in a vague direction. "Who's they?" Eleanor asked confused. Louis and Harry. They're the ones who were talking to you during the show." "Ok, where are they?" She asked leaning into the bland room to look. "They're in there." Zayn yelled from the couch pointing at a little room in the corner. Eleanor nodded and began to walk into the room as Larry walked in to sit beside Zayn on the couch eager to start up a conversation.

"Hello?" Eleanor asked while walking in a little un sure of herself. "Hey!" Harry said eager to shake her hand. "Mind closing the door love?" Louis said while standing up from his chair. "What do you want?" Eleanor asked abruptly. "No need to get angry love we just wanted to ask you something." Louis said while crossing his arms. "Um me and Louis both thought you were very pretty." "And?" Eleanor said trying not to blush. "And, we are dating." Harry said while putting his arm around louis. "So your point is?" "If you'd let us finish we could tell you." Louis snapped in her face. "Ok I won't interrupt anymore." Harry continued. "Even though we are very happy together we always felt like we were missing someone and when we saw you tonight we thought you might be what we are missing. So we would like to ask you on a date." "Both of you together?" She asked eyes widening. "Yes, but you can say no." Eleanor racked her brain she would be a complete idiot to turn down two members of the biggest boy band in the world. "Sure" she blurted. "I would love to." "Great we'll text you the details and the NDA you have to sign. The date will be this Friday sometime." Louis said smiling wide. "Ok bye guys." "Bye Eleanor".

As Eleanor sat in the car listening to Larry talk about her amazing conversation with Liam about his fear of spoons, she couldn't help smiling to herself about Friday. Maybe just maybe she's starting to like the idea of adventure.

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