Finally Happy

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The email came Thursday night. Eleanor was surprised that it came at all. I mean it was a pretty random thing to ask out a fan within 5 minutes of meeting them, and Eleanor wasn't even a fan she was just some random girl at their concert who just so happened to be their type... both of them.

"Where are you guys even going?" Larry asked lying on her bed.

"The email said something about a private spot in some fancy restaurant downtown." Eleanor said while throwing clothes out of her closet looking for an outfit for tomorrow.

"How's this?" She asked Larry holding up a black slip dress she got as a hand me down from her cousin.

"Cheap." Larry said looking up from her phone

"I don't have anything else. I basically only wear leggings." Eleanor whined flopping onto her bed.

"Yes you do, I know you do" Larry said softly standing up from her bed to look in Eleanor's closet. It only took her 3 minutes to find Eleanor's most prized possession, a navy blue off the shoulder floor length gown. "This." Larry said smirking

"I can not wear that!" Eleanor screamed. "Put it back!"

"You can and you will, I mean these are 2 of the most famous boys in the world you aren't going to that date wearing something that looks like it's from gap kids El!" Larry snapped at her.

"It's my moms." Eleanor whispered

"And you've never worn it! She didn't give it to you so it would just stay in your closet till the end of time, you're wearing it end of discussion."

"Fine." Eleanor groaned

"Did you need to sign an NDA?" Larry asked climbing into Eleanors bed beside her

"Yah, and it was so fucking long." She said laying back down on the bed

"What can't you do?" Larry asked throwing her hair into a ponytail

"No pictures, no disclosing what happens, to media sites, no telling anyone and if it doesn't work out you aren't allowed to mention it ever again, and if I get spotted with one of them I have to be ok with pretending to date just one of them so no one expects we are all 3 together."

"Jesus, anyways I'm exhausted." Larry yawned waddling over to her bed. "Goodnight El."

"Night." She answered but she couldn't fall asleep she was so worried about tomorrow. What would they think of her? Would this be a mistake? And the one thing that scared her the most, would she fall in love?


Larry finished laying the final curl in Eleanors hair. "You look great El, are you excited?"

"Totally." Eleanor lied. She was actually a nervous wreck. These boys could have anyone they want but they chose Eleanor she just knew she couldn't fuck it up.

"How do I look?" She asked doing a slow spin in her gorgeous gown.

"I have no words, you look incredible! But you should go now the limos outside i can see it, have so much fun El! Tell me everything after!" Larry said cheerfully as Eleanor was walking out the door.

"Bye Larry, will do!" Eleanor yelled while running to catch the limo

As she got in she realized the boys weren't there.

"Are we picking up Louis and Harry?"

"No they're already there." The driver answered coldly.

Before she knew it they were there. The driver walked Eleanor into the restaurant where she saw two boys dressed to the tens at a nearby table.

"Eleanor!" Louis called. "Hello love come take a seat"

"You look incredible." Harry said mouth agape

"As do you." she said motioning to their suits

Eleanor looked at the menu trying to decide what to eat when she noticed the prices. The boys could obviously tell these were way out of her price range so they assured her they would be paying for tonight. The waiter came over and they ordered their food. Eleanor must have thanked them a thousand times.

"It's the least we can do." Harry said smiling brightly at Eleanor.

"So why are you over in London?" Louis asked trying to start conversation

"I go to school here, I study psychology. What about you guys, are you on tour or-?"

"Yep" Harry cut her off. "We're doing a show in Doncaster tomorrow."

"That's so cool, I love Doncaster."

"Do ya? I'm from their originally ." Louis said with a gleeful grin "Niall also wanted me to ask is your friend that came with you backstage single?"

"Larry? Yah oh yah very single very available I'll give you her number to give to him! She's really great, a handful, but really great." Eleanor said writing the number on a nearby napkin.

"Thanks." Harry said grabbing the napkin. "How is she a handful?"

"Well when we got home from the concert she wouldn't shut up about how Liam has a fear of spoons." Eleanor said giggling. When no one else was laughing she checked. "Wait is that true?"

Louis and Harry looked at each other then burst into laughter. "It actually is." Louis said trying to straighten himself out.

"No way. Spoons, really?" She asked in disbelief

"It's true." Harry said throwing his hands up in surrender while the waiter came around with their food.

While they ate they're conversations flowed naturally as if they'd known each other forever. Eleanor was having so much fun she never wanted the night to end but it was inevitable.

"I had such a great time tonight guys." She said with a shy smile

"Us too." Harry said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Here, Harry go to the limo. Eleanor I'll walk you out." He said extending his hand.

Eleanor took it and they walked out together. "I'll see you again?" She asked stepping into the limo.

"Definitely." Louis answered with a sure smile on his face. "We'll call you."

Eleanor smiled as she waved goodbye to Louis. She couldn't stop smiling, tonight may have been the best night of her life.


As Eleanor unlocked the door of her and Larry's apartment all ready to tell Larry everything from the date she noticed a sleeping Larry on their couch. She lifted her up and tucked her in. I'll tell her in the morning she thought.

Eleanor flopped on her bed trying to remember ever detail from that night. Grinning like an idiot but happy, Eleanor was finally happy and she never wanted that happiness to fade.

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