Josh Franschino #1

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Imagine: Having Josh's Sausage For Breakfast


Josh and I were both busy people, we both traveled, we both had busy careers, we both were chasing our dreams.

But at was at home for a week now bored out of my mind. I finally had a break from directing any music videos-- oh, yeah that's my career-- and I was bored. Josh and I were both finally home at the same time but we hardly saw each other.

He left to the studio everyday this week, he leaves in the morning and comes back before midnight.

While I was here doing nothing except catching up on Always Sunny In Philadelphia, house work, and my workouts but I was still hella bored.

To make it worse, now that we finally have time to ourselves, we haven't been having time for ourselves. It's been weeks since Josh has touched me.

Other than the kiss in the morning, we had no other passion; we had lots of passion in the beginning. We couldn't keep our hands off each other.

We use to go from zero to sixty in seconds, trust me, we would make that tour bus rock. I remember when I was feeling like a bad girl at a party, Dan caught us in his bedroom; we still apologize for that. Lately, we go from zero to zero. It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to think he no longer finds me attractive, or he's cheating, or he has fallen out of love with me.

If Josh was cheating, he's very good at it. I have yet to see signs other than the long hours at the 'studio'. He could be meeting someone there or he wasn't going to the studio at all and he was lying. As a director in the music industry, I know and seen things behind the scenes. I've worked with many rockstars, rappers, and singers, I've seen guys sneak in their side chicks and their 'friends' with huge cleavages backstage.

I don't know whether it was better to find out he was cheating or he simply didn't love me anymore.

Now, I wait for my kiss as I fix our mugs of coffee in the kitchen and put a dozen cupcakes in a box for Josh's band mates. Since I was bored and sexual frustrated, I fill in the time with baking. I couldnt cook outside of frying an egg and maybe a grilled cheese sandwich but I apparently have a talent for baking.

I finally see my Josh walk into the kitchen with just jeans and shoes on, no shirt.

"(Y/N), do I have any clean shirts?"

I walk to my closet into our bedroom and come back with a shirt of his that I usually sleep in.

"Thanks." He takes a sip of his coffee. "Mmm, you know exactly how I like my coffee. I need this to go babe."

I got a travel mug from one of the cupboards and prepare his coffee.

"Hey, you got anything going on today?" He puts on his shirt.

"Not really, just answering some emails and calls today. You?"

"Doing some recording." He answered. "So, since you're not doing anything today, can you do some laundry? Thanks Babe."

He kisses my cheek.

"Sure, at least the washing machine will keep me company. I can have fun with the spin cycle." I thought to myself.

Well at least I thought I was thinking to myself.


I looked over at Josh who looked at me confused.


"You said you were going to have fun with the spin cycle."

Sometimes I have this crazy tendency to think out loud.

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