Pete Wentz #1

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Imagine: Being Pete Wentz's Personal Assistant


It's so exciting to be working with one of my idols. I personally assist the Pete Wentz, yes that Pete Wentz. I use to have such a big crush on him when I was this lame in high school and now I get to work for him! If I was honest, that dumb high school crush still hasn't gone away. But I remain absolutely professional, I wouldn't want to mess up this opportunity; and why would he want me? Working with Pete these past few weeks, I know the ladies love him. He is surrounded by beautiful women and beautiful people in general while I'm just there. Little ol me with my messy hair and hoodies, bringing water after his performances and picking up his phone whenever he's too busy to answer. I'm still grateful but I'm still getting use to this new lifestyle. Before I was cleaning hotel rooms by day and bartending by night, wasting my BA degree and now I get to work with a rockstar. I know I'm lucky.

Getting back to my work, I was picking up some groceries. Well, usually I order Pete's groceries online and they get delivered but for whatever reason, half of what I ordered was missing and the other half were totally wrong. So instead of reordering and waiting again, I had extra time in my schedule to go to Target and pick up Pete's food.
Just to make things way better, the sky decided to pour. I rushed out and I realized after I got to my car, I made a dumb move and I put my keys in the blackhole that is my purse. I struggle to juggle my purse and four heavy big shopping bags, all while giant raindrops crashed down on me and around me. I finally found the keys and put everything including myself in the car.

I park in front of Pete's house, after unlocking the door, I walk and drip my way to the kitchen. I can hear running water, I guessed Pete is taking a shower. I took off my hoodie after placing down the groceries, I totally forgot I was wearing a white shirt today. I put away the groceries and I hear the shower stop. Pete comes downstairs with only a pair of dark gray sweatpants on with the band of his Calvin Klein boxers poking out.
I didn't think much of it, this isn't the first time I've seen Pete's body.

He walks over to the fridge and pours himself a glass of lemonade.

"Hey, you're soaking." He looks over at me.

"I know, sorry." I apologize.

"No, don't be. You must be freezing."

"I'm-I'm fine." I lied. I was cold, my cheeks were stinging.

"Come on, let's get you warm." He took your hand and dragged you to the laundry room.

"Pete, it's fine. I'm ok." I spoke up.

He grazes his fingers along my cheek, his fingers instantly warming me.

"You're freezing." He hands me a towel.

I take it without anymore fuss.

"We should get you out of those clothes too, you're dripping wet."

"I'm fine, plus I don't have anything else to wear."

"I could find you something." He gives me a small smile then lifts up my shirt.

I lift my arms and allow him to take off the wet cotton.

He does something I didn't expect, he crashes his lips on mine.

I don't know how to react, it was so unexpected I didn't know if I should run or slap him, my fight or flight instincts were confused too. Just as my brain finally computed what was happening, he deepens the kiss and I happily accept his tongue.

I know this was wrong but I have admittedly fantasized this a few times.

He pulls away from my lips and kisses my damp chest all while pulling down my soaked jeans. He suddenly pushes me onto the dryer, I didn't know Pete was the rough type.

He rubs me through my light pink lace panties.

I can hear him breathing deeply as he pulls my panties to the side and rubs me harder.

"You like that?" He asks.

All I do is not, words not coming to me fast enough to answer.

"Turn around and get on top of the dryer." He commanded.

I did what he told me to do and sat on top of the dryer.

Our lips met each other again, he makes me lean back. He pulls down my panties and his face dips down, licking at my core.

I moan out, desire coming over me. He was good, I don't know why I'm surprised but he was better than I ever imagined.

I was close.

I try to warn him but he pulls me off the dryer and turns me around. He pushes me into it before he pushes himself into me, I can feel he's wearing a condom, I didn't pay attention to when he had put it on but I was glad he wears protection.

He quickly thrusts into me hard, I turned into a moaning mess, holding onto the dryer for dear life.

He moves my hair to the side and leaves wet kissing on my shoulder.

"Pete!" I moaned out as I succumbed to the pleasure he was giving me.

He bites my shoulder as I rode out my orgasm, not to hard but I knew he left a mark.

He pulls out and takes off the condom, finishing himself on my rear end.

We both stood there, breathing hard.

He hands me another towel.

"Here. Take another one if you want, I'm going to take another shower. I expect you to join me." He explains while pulling up his pants.

"Y-yes Pete... M-Mr. Wentz, sir."

"Sir? I like that." He smirkz then winks before leaving the room. 

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