TF RID Sideswipe x Fem!Human reader (Hardcore Lemon) *Requested*

359 9 6

*Daddy issues*


Thank you @blackfyrefantasy97 for requesting! Love you child! <3

WARNING!!! Mature content if you are underage or you don't like sexual things DO NOT READ!!!! 

WARNING!!! Mentions of Abuse! If you are sensitive to the subject DO NOT READ!!!

Apologies for any spelling errors/typos (Point them out if you see any please)

*Sideswipe- Underlined

*(Y/n)- italicized  

*Digits = fingers; Servos = hands; Glossa = tongue; Spike = penis

Now enjoy my beautiful children! <3 This one is definitely a longer one.

I had to get out of here. 

Throwing the door open I run outside and away from the house. My father was yelling at me at the top of his lungs. "Get back in the house you ungrateful brat!" My head hurt like hell and the new scars and bruises made my skin feel like it was burning. No they weren't self inflicted scars; they were given to be by my father. Ever since my mother died 13 years ago my father began a drinking problem. He became very aggressive and violent towards me.

As I ran I took my phone from my pocket and called the only person I could trust. 


"Uncle Denny, it's (Y/n). Is it alright if I stay with you for a while."

"Of course, is everything alright? You sound distressed."

"Yes everything is fine! I'll be there in a few minutes!"

"Okay kiddo!"

As said, I arrived at my Uncle's salvage depot a few minutes later. I stop at the entrance to catch my breath and adjust my sleeves and shirt. But a loud engine came into hearing. I look to my right and see a red car speeding towards the entrance and ME! I scream and shield myself for an impact that never came. I open my eyes and look up. In place of a red lambo was a large, red, arrogant, childish, and dare I say it sexy; the one and only

"YOU NEARLY KILLED ME!!! You really need to pay attention when you're driving! Someone is bound to get seriously hurt!" 

"Relax (Y/n), you sound like Strongarm. Besides, I would never hit a little cutie like yourself." He smirked his arrogant smirk. 

I blushed slightly but rolled my eyes, "Ugh, I am not in the mood for your childish antics." I then proceeded to march myself into the depot. I could hear Sideswipe snicker and walk in after me. The funny thing was he seemed to make me almost forget about what happened earlier. Had it not been for the pain I still felt on my arms and back.
Yeah, so my uncle helps hide giant alien robots who can turn into vehicles. Who also happen to fight other evil giant robots that are trying to take over the world.

Who knew.

I met them about 6 months ago. By accident. I was here at the depot when I stumbled upon our good old dinobot, Grimlock. Then the rest became history. 

I spot my uncle by his caravan and walk over to him. "Hey Uncle Denny."
He looks up and smiles "Hey there (Y/n)! How you been?" I shrug my shoulders with a sheepish smile. "Eh, I've been better." 

"I'd say. Over the phone you sounded almost like you were in pain."

'That's cuz I am.' I thought of saying; "Yeah I was just running to get here, and then Sideswipe almost...ran me over when I got here."

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