Chapter 1

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"Strange Dream"

(1) "Excuse me, Sir, you have a meeting at 3:00 pm. Thank you."
(2) "Sir, these are the papers you gave me last week, It's all done."
(3) "Eliezer wants to meet you after dinner, Sir."
(4) "Uhm Sir, I already did what you've said."

"Okay okay. Thank you so much and, uh, Angela just go to my office to remind me about the meeting."

"Noted, Sir." She responds seriously and walks away with many papers on her hands.


I almost haven't given time for myself because of how much stuff to look at. Every second of my mind is my work. I will always keep minding my own business.

*After the meeting

"Heyy!" He pushed my back. "Why didn't you come after dinner with me, huh?" Eliezer said with a disappointed tone.
"Are you that busy again?" And rolled his eyes.

"You already know me,  Eliezer." I looked at him straight. "Yes, every clack of the clock I'm busy" And I go to my car.

"What are you going to this place?"

"What's wrong with you, Eliezer!?" Obviously, this is a fucking store so I'ma gonna buy something."
"Ugh! You're making me feel stressed more." I go out to the car angrily.

*In the store

"Oh, nice, they've got a new flavor of one of my favorite chocolates. I'ma gonna buy these all-new flavors real quick." I grabbed it all happily.

"It's $3,000 all, Sir."

"Okay, Here. Just, uh, keep the change." And I immediately go out.

"Shoot! I can't wait to eat these al--
I didn't finish it because I see the same girl we saw last week.

She isn't really familiar to me, but why did she keep on looking at me weirdly? Damn, It creeps me. She made me suspicious also, Eliezer and her are the same, they make me feel stressed huhu.

"What took so long, babe?" Eliezer asks.

"Eww, dude! What are you thinking? That cringes me."

~Both of us laughed


"Thank you for driving me home, babe," Eliezer said with a cute tone.

"Next time, I'll drive you in the bed, babe"
I said those while biting my pinkish lips.

"Woah! Shut up dude, you're making me horny."

~Both of us laughed

"Yeah seriously, take care" He winked at me.

*At home

"Sweetie, you looked so stressed. Have you eaten yet?" My mommy asks.

"Uh yes mom, don't worry. I'm about to eat this chocolate that I bought in my room." Then I smiled.

"That's a good idea, Son. Chocolates are also a stress remover."

"Since you don't have a girlfriend, chocolates are your stress remover for now." Daddy said.

"Hahaha nice joke, Dad." I wink at him.

"Yes, son you've been single for almost 5 years. Don't have a plan yet?" My mom said sarcastically.

I smirked. "Sorry to disappoint you mom, but I have something to deal first before others"

*At my room

"Shoot!! Ugh!! The chocolates are so good. Can't take off my tongue on it. Grrr heaven! This is really taking my stress off."

~After several minutes

"Have you really forgotten me, huh?"
"I'm the one who removes your stressed, before."
"You've already lost control of working."
"I'm the one who drives you at home."
"I'm the one who makes you laugh."
"I'm one of your priorities."
"I'm really the one."

Those words said softly but in a sad tone..

I saw someone in the street. She's walking slowly. I can feel the sadness of her walking. I can see her tears falling even we're a little far. Then she stops for a while beside the street light. When she sees me, she smiles and it makes me smile widely also, I'm about to grab her but...But!

"Ugh!" I touch my head.
"What kind of dream is that? Is this because I have overeaten chocolate? Ugh, my head hurts again." 

I stood up slowly and give a glance in the mirror.
I-I saw someone but it isn't my reflection. I can't see it well because my view gets blurry and...and it made me fell on the floor.

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