Chapter 18

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"The fake"

"Do you like seeing your son will suffer?! If this is only the cause of teasing us why did you do it in the first place?! Now, explain it to me! I don't want to leave him without knowing the unknown reason!" I ask heavily and wipe my tears. 

I can see the sorrow of his face after telling me the whole true reason.

"Of course, sweetie I highly support your relationship with my son. But this unexpected thing just happened, I don't want you dead. I don't know what's behind the background of the guy who just did this, maybe he has traumatic experiences."
"You can always begin again." He added.

"What would be my reason for abandoning him?" I ask with a grief tone.

"Just tell him you're tired."

"He's a man. I know he will probably stop me." I wipe my tears.

"J-just try your best."


When they are already home, both of us immediately wipes are tears.

"Coming!" He responds and giving me a sign that means I'm gonna break up with him after dinner.

I talk to my self, "I can't do this, but I'll try."
I wipe my tears off and walk away...

*After Dinner

"Thanks for dinner." I said and smile

"Your welcome sweetie, take care." His mom responds while waving at us.

I give a look to Dexter's dad and I can see the deep pain in his eyes.

*Starting Driving

"Byebye!! Thanks again!" I wave to both of them then after I closed the car's window.

"Did you have fun, babe?" He said and smiles.

This is my last moment seeing his smile.

"Yes...Babe, I did." And look down, I try to stop my tears falling.


He goes out first before me. He opened the car door for me and leads his hands helping me to get out.

When I get out I thank him and added, "I want to say you something."

"Oh, say it out, babe." And he holds my hand

I take off his hands for holding mine and it made him a shock.

"Umh, uh... I don't know how to start."

"What are you trying to sa--
"let's end this." i said it while stopping my tears.
"W-what? Babe, why?" He holds my two hands tightly.

"I'm tired."

"Take a rest then, I don't want to lose you."

"I'm not tired physically, Dexter." I still stop my tears from falling.

"That's mean you are tired of me? That's it?" He asks with teary eyes.

"Not like that, let's just end this," I said while my heart is breaking into pieces.

"B-but I don't want to. Babe, please." He almost knelt down to me just to stop my fake decision.
"So that's it? We're gonna end everything just like this? Just because of that stupid tired feeling on you?" He added.

"Yes, that's all let just end this here." I said heavily.

"D-don't leave, I'm gonna love you in an even strong way. It's gonna be like a fairytale just consider it that's all I ask." And he hugs me, "Babe, d-don't leave, just take a rest or just a call-off." His tears keep on running

"I'm sorry." I'm about to walk away but he stops me, he holds my hands and said, "Babe?? Please, don't. I love you so much."

~I'm so lucky to have him, but why is this happening?!

"I...Love you too, goodbye." I walk away then close the gate, I let out all the pain.

I can hear that he punches his car. And saying bad words.

After I eat my breakfast, dinner, lunch, I always in my room crying.
I really want him back but being vanished permanently will only cause him everlasting pain. 

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