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Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 1.

Dear diary,

I received this notebook today for my birthday! I'm so excited to write in it that I can't hold any longer in place! My name is Patience S..., I am ten years old, and I live in Flower Village at the foot of Mount Ebott! You know, that mountain on which there are so many rumors... They say that if you climb the mountain, you disappear and never come back... Brrr, it's scary, isn't it? But, I'm sure they're just stories to scare little children, that's all! There's probably nothing up there at all, but Mom and Dad keep saying we shouldn't go. I don't understand, though, that mountain does look pretty...

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 2.

Dear diary,

Everything went well today... oh, by the way, I completely forgot to say this, but I have an older sister, whose name is Chara. She's two years older than me, and she loves chocolate just like me! I love my sister, even though she ate all of Mom's cake in the fridge yesterday... she was so angry, oh god! But for me and Dad, we laughed a lot!

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 3.

Dear diary,

It's been a little over two weeks that I have written... the other day I noticed that my sister came home later than usual and had a strange mark on her arm... When I went to ask her about it, she hid her arm and said "But it's nothing, don't worry!" It seems Chara didn't want to talk about it. She just put on a long-sleeved sweater to hide everything and left...

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 4.

Dear diary,


I went outside to play with my older sister today, with the other kids. But some mean boys came and made fun of Chara because of her eyes... oh, that's right, I forgot to say that my sister was born with a weird color of eyes... They're not brown, green or blue... they're red, and because of that the whole village laughs at her. Chara doesn't say anything, but when she comes home, she sometimes cries. She says she hates her eyes, that she looks like a demon, and that no one loves her. I wish I could help her get better... but I don't know what to do!

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 5.

Dear diary,

Tonight, Chara came home with a limp, and she collapsed on her bed... it's horrible. I... I think she was even bleeding! I don't know what happened, she just told me it happened at school... Why does my sister come home so often covered with wounds? I ran to the bathroom to get some bandages and called Mom and Dad... There was nothing I could have done on my own. She told Mom and Dad that some kids at school called her a demon and hit her with sticks and stones... That night I noticed she wasn't asleep and was staring at Mount Ebott... Why was she staring at it?

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 6.

Dear diary,

Chara finally agreed to tell me everything... I was shocked, I didn't understand how children could be so mean... My sister told me that she had a plan to escape, but that I shouldn't tell anyone. I agreed... She put on her favorite sweater, filled her pockets with chocolate bars, and said, "Patience, I'm going to climb Mount Ebott and never come back. Please... don't tell anyone I left, okay? Not even Mom and Dad... they'd be too sad. Just pretend I didn't tell you, and please don't try to follow me or look for me. Just stay here with the people who love you, okay?" I cried... but I didn't want to say anything. Chara was my sister and I trusted her... I helped Chara to open the door of the house, and saw her walk away quickly without looking back. I couldn't fall asleep afterward... as I was looking at Mount Ebott again from our bedroom window that I realized what Chara had done. Chara had gone alone, in the middle of the night, to the mountain from which you never come back...

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 7.

Dear diary,

I miss Chara. She's been missing for days now. Mom and Dad can't stop crying, and I can't stop crying either... I didn't say anything about my sister running away as I promised her, but... I feel bad. I hope every morning that I'll see her come home, that I'll hear her voice again and I could play with her again... The house is so empty without her now, and even at school I just look up at the mountain hoping that Chara is fine where she is... even though I'm starting to worry a lot...

Patience S...'s Diary, Year 201X, extract 8.

Dear diary,

... I'm sorry, Chara. I know you'll never read this message, but I only have this notebook to talk about my problems, now. Mom and Dad have been looking for you everywhere, and have even contacted old friends... I still haven't said anything, and I feel bad about living with such a huge secret... But I would never doubt you, Chara. I don't know if I'll ever see you again... I feel like all the horrible legends about the mountain were true, and that you too have disappeared forever... I'm so scared, Chara. I'm so lonely, Chara... forgive me.

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