Episode 9 - The Iktotchi

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Nowhere better than Nar Shadaa to hideout after committing a major crime against the Empire, Var Omnium thinks. He makes his way through the streets and alleyways of the Vertical City. Nar Shadaa has many names. By some it was known as Little Coruscant because just like the Empire's capital, it was a city planet. It was also called the Smuggler's Moon and derisively, Little Slugland. This name was a jab at the Hutts, who controlled Nar Shadaa. The moon orbited Nal Hutta so naturally they took it for their own. The planet was an excellent hiding spot, filled with other criminals. A man on the run could simply vanish in the crowds.

Var turns down a side street and makes for a small diner. He enters the dim little building and steps up to the bar. A server droid rolls over. "What'll ya have?" it asks in a flustered female voice.

Var takes a moment to consider, "I'll take the monkey-lizard stew to go please."

"That'll be a few minutes."

"I don't mind waiting."

Var sits on a stool and opens his mind. He feels the other patrons around them. Each of their life forces unlike their neighbor. He senses four more people enter the diner. They move toward the bar. Something isn't right, Var can feel it. The next thing he feels is a blaster pressing into his back.

"You've got one helluva bounty on you, Var Omnium," a voice whispers. "Why don't you come with us so we don't make a mess in here?"

Var sighs. He knew this was going to happen eventually. You don't rob an Imperial transport without consequences. Var stands up and turns to face the accoster. He's a Twi'lek with light blue skin, and sharp teeth bared in a triumphant grin. His long head tails hang out the back of a helmet that covers the top half of his face. In his right hand, he holds a DL-18 blaster pistol. Behind the Twi'lek stands three more bounty hunters, a tall and heavily muscled Aqualish, a scarred Duro, and a horn faced Nikto. All three have their hands resting casually on their weapons.

"I'll take that pistol." The Twi'lek extends his free hand. Var grudgingly relinquishes his weapon and walks to the door, feeling the Twi'lek's pistol in his back with every step. The group steps into the busy street and the Twi'lek pushes Var towards the nearby landing platform. They make their way between the freighters and transports to a YT-1760 Light Transport. An Iktotchi leans against the ramp, tossing a knife to himself. The Twi'lek stops, as do his compatriots. They weren't expecting this. Var realizes.

The Nikto steps forward and draws his blaster, "Step away from our ship."

The Iktotchi observes the Nikto calmly, and does not move. Instead, he tosses the knife to himself once again. The Aqualish growls something and starts forward. The Iktotchi tosses the knife into the air, but this time catches it by the point. Before the Aqualish can react, the knife flies from the Iktotchi's hand and sinks to the hilt in his head. The Aqualish falls heavily to the ground. The three remaining bounty hunters are stunned. Taking advantage of their incredulity, the Iktotchi pulls two pistols and kills the Nikto and the Duro before they have time to aim their pistols. Seeing his opportunity, Var spins to face his opponent, sending an elbow crashing into the Twi'lek's head. He grabs the Twi'lek's wrist and forces the gun barrel toward the ground. Pulling his vibroknife, Var drives the blade under the Twi'lek's chin. He gives a feeble gurgle and collapses.

"You are a fierce fighter, Mandalorian," the Iktotchi remarks.

Var picks up his pistol from where the Twi'lek had dropped it and levels it at the Iktotchi. "You after my bounty as well?"

"No," The Iktotchi responds. "I knew that I would find someone important at this landing platform, someone who could help me in my mission. When I saw that ship, I felt I was in the right place."

"You make it sound like you're clairvoyant." Var says.

"My species does possess powers of foresight," the Iktotchi replies. "Tell me, Mandalorian, what is your name?"

"Var Omnium."

"You harbor great hatred for the Empire, Var Omnium," The Iktotchi states.

"Yes," Var replies. "I do."

The Iktotchi smiles, "Then you will help me in my mission."

"Many people on Nar Shadaa hate the Empire," Var points out. "How do you know I'm your man?"

"The galaxy flows like a river," the Iktotchi explains. "I followed its current and it led me to you."

"How do you expect me to work with someone I've never even met before?" Var asks. "I don't even know your name."

"Khandee Bron is my name," the Iktotchi replies. "I have a plan to deal a crippling blow to the Empire."

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