Episode 10 - The Benefactor

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Var and Khandee slide into a booth in the corner of a moderately clean, crowded, and loud cantina. Khandee orders two Spotchkas. Var produces a straw from his utility belt. He bends it into the proper shape and slides it under the face of his helmet. Khandee looks perplexed, "Do you ever remove your helmet?"

"Never in front of anyone," Var replies.

"Has anyone ever seen your face?" Khandee asks.

"Not since I was very young."

"Why do Mandalorians hide their faces?"

"This is the way."

The drinks arrive. Var and Khandee sip their Spotchka quietly for a while before Khandee breaks the silence, "What, in your opinion, is the backbone of any regime?"

"Military," Var replies. "You need a powerful military to enforce your regime's law."

"True," Khandee agrees. "But an army must be paid, and an army needs funding to build its engines of war."

"You want to hit the Empire in its wallet?" Var asks.

"Precisely, " Khandee smiles. "Have you ever heard of Vidas Kor?"

"CEO of Kor Industries?"

"Yes," Khandee replies. "One of the largest mining companies in the galaxy."

"Why do we care about a mining company's CEO?" Var asks.

"Because Kor Industries has operations over 100 different planets, it makes billions of credits every year, and Vidas is very chummy with the Empire. He's one of their biggest contributors. In return, the Empire turns a blind eye to his unethical business practices and slave trading," Khandee explains. "We are going to kidnap him."

"Man like Vidas is gonna have a lot of security," Var points out. "How do you plan on getting to him?"

"Vidas is currently staying in a mansion on Brentaal while he o versees the set up for a new asteroid mining operation," Khandee says. "He's always hosting or attending lavish parties."

"We can't get into parties like that. We're not rich," Var states.

"Which is why we'll get him while he's traveling," Khandee responds. "He's too well protected when he's at home or at a party so we stop his transportation and take him from there."

"We need to get on the planet and do some reconnaissance before we can really make a plan," Var decides. "We'll need to take your ship; the Empire is still looking for mine."

"Yes," Khandee agrees, "Follow me. I'll show you the Wayfarer."

The pair exit the cantina and walk to the landing platform. The bodies of Var's former assailants had since been removed. At the edge of the platform sits a YG-4210 Light Freighter. Khandee and Var ascend the ramp into a hallway. Var follows Khandee past the gunner's seat into a medium sized living area, complete with couch, kitchen, and Holochess table.

Khandee leads the way into the cockpit and starts the engine. The Wayfarer rises into the sky and departs Nar Shadaa. Khandee guides the ship to the hyperspace lane and jumps to light speed. Var leans back in the copilot seat and falls asleep. It feels like only a few minutes before Khandee's voice brings him back to consciousness, "We're here."

Brentaal, an orange and yellow sphere capped with white on its top and bottom. Home to approximately 65 billion, the planet was the jewel of the Bormea Sector. The Wayfarer enters the atmosphere and flies over mountainous terrain until a bright city appears over the horizon. "That," Khandee says, "Is the city of Oradin."

"What is that?" Var asks, indicating a gargantuan building rising above almost all its neighbors.

"The Grand Imperial Hotel," Khandee says with derision. "On every world they occupy, the Empire insists on flaunting its wealth."

A few miles outside the city limits, the Wayfarer descends below the tree line. Khandee guides the ship towards a waterfall, and then through it, bringing the ship to land in a massive cave. Var and Khandee exit the ship and Khandee leads the way to a pair of speeder bikes.

"Republic BARC speeders?" Var asks.

"I found an old outpost during my travels," Khandee explains. "Why leave two perfectly good speeders to rust?"

The pair mount their speeders.

"There is a tunnel that leads out the back of the cave," Khandee gestures. "From there, I will show you the way to Vidas' mansion."

Var nods and kicks the speeder bike to life. He follows Khandee down a dark tunnel until they break out into the waning daylight. They weave through the trees as the sun sets. A half hour later, they sit on a ridge overlooking a sprawling, lavish mansion. Clan Omnium's manor house was not even this large. Var thinks as he stares at the small palace.

"This is what mining and slave trading money buys," Khandee says with disgust.

"I think it's time Vidas got a good scare," Var replies, smiling under his helmet.

"I have his daily routine memorized." Khandee points to a sleek gold and white hover carriage. "That is Vidas' personal vehicle. It's drawn by two Fathiers. Look there, they're bringing them out now."

A group of men lead two large Fathiers out of a stable toward the carriage. The creatures walk with their heads low, and their long ears down. Every few feet, a man gives them a prod with an electro baton. The creatures cry out in discomfort. The men hitch the Fathiers to the carriage as a man appears from within the mansion. He is accompanied by an entourage of servants. Two beautiful, young Twi'lek women serve as his arm candy. The man is Vidas Kor. Assisted by two of his eight bodyguards, Vidas heaves his immense bulk into the carriage. His entourage joins him inside. A well dressed driver assumes his position atop the carriage and whips the Fathiers into motion. The carriage pulls away

Khandee mounts his speeder. "Follow."

They follow along the ridge until the mansion is out of sight. They dismount and look down on the road. A few seconds, and the carriage rounds a bend and comes into view.

"This is where we'll take him," Khandee says. "It goes down tomorrow. Let's get back to the cave and rest up."

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