Episode 12 - The Plan

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Var wakes from fitful sleep and stumbles to the bathroom. After locking the door, he removes his helmet and splashes water on his face. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, runs his hands across the stubble beginning to form on his face. Khandee calls from somewhere in the ship, shaking Var from his stupor, "The guest has woken up."

Var sighs and dons his helmet. He walks into the kitchen to find Khandee tilting a cup of water into Vidas' mouth. Var pulls the cup away and splashes the rest of the water in Vidas' face. The man splutters and shakes his head. "We have some questions for you, tubby," Var growls

"I'll tell you anything!" Vidas squawks. "Please don't hurt me I have no tolerance for discomfort."

Var draws his vibroknife and leans into Vidas' face. "Glad you're so intent on cooperation, but maybe, just in case, I should take an ear, or a toe."

"NO, NO, NO, PLEASE!" Vidas shrieks. "I'll pay any price! I'll do anything!"

"Your money has provided the financial backbone for the Empire since it was formed," Khandee accuses. "If we remove you from the equation, the Empire is gonna lose quite a bit of funding."

The little remaining color in Vidas' face drains away. "Are you going to kill me?"

"That all depends on the value of the information you can provide us," Var replies.

"I can give you anything you want," Vidas cries. "If you bring me my personal data pad I can access any information you want."

"The one I took from you when we brought you onboard?" Khandee asks.

"Yes," Vidas replies.

Khandee retrieves the data pad and hands it to Vidas. "If you try to message anyone, I'll let my colleague here relieve you of a finger or two."

Vidas connects his data pad to the holo table. A few button presses and keystrokes later, and they all stare at a list of messages from the Empire. "They send me projects that they want me to finance," Vidas explains. "I get specs and blueprints for all the new ideas."

Var scrolls through the files, nothing catches eye. Then Khandee abruptly speaks, "That one."

Var selects the file labeled "TOP PRIORITY. READ IMMEDIATELY" and a set of plans appear in front of them. Var turns to Vidas. "What are these plans for?"

"A new shield generator," Vidas replies. "Supposedly it's a revolutionary design. An incredible breakthrough. They developed it for a new battle station."

"A new battle station?" Khandee asks.

Vidas answers with another question. "Have you ever heard of the Maw?"

"The Maw?"

"It's where the Empire builds its most powerful tech," Vidas explains. "It's where they constructed the Death Star."

"The question is," Khandee strokes his chin, "How do we get in?"

"Get in?" Var asks.

Khandee turns to face him. "This is why I'm here, why I found you. The galaxy has brought us together to this. We are going to destroy that generator."

"We are going to die before we can get within a parsec of it," Var says. "The security will be impenetrable."

"Not if we use him," Khandee smiles and points to Vidas. "He can get us in."

"You can't be serious," Vidas says.

"We will pose as your new bodyguards," Khandee says. "Getting kidnapped is a traumatic experience. Any normal person would increase security. Clearly your own forces were not competent, so you turned to a pair of elite bounty hunters. We'll get in posing as your new bodyguards."

"That is a terrible, terrible idea," Vidas protests.

"You're right," Var laughs. "It's completely idiotic, but you don't get a choice here."

Vidas groans, "Fine! Curse you both. If we don't all die it will be a miracle."

"Okay then," Var rubs his hands together. "Let's get to planning."

"Look at this power relay," Khandee points to the generator plans. "If you placed an explosive there, you could cause a system wide meltdown."

"Alright," Var stands up. "I'm gonna go build a bomb."

"I'll do some research on the Maw," Khandee replies. "Vidas. I'm gonna need everything you've got."

Var sits at a workbench in the hold. He places two thermal imploders on the table. Searching through the drawers, he finds a set of tools, and a wiring kit. He pries the imploder's casings off and begins wiring the two devices together. He digs through the drawers again and finds a small metal case containing a variety of screws. Var dumps the screws and places the imploders inside. He feeds with wires through a hole in the top of the case and connects them to a remote detonator. He places the device in a large leather pouch.

Var returns to the kitchen, where Khandee and Vidas look over the generator plans. "Put this on your belt," he tells Khandee, gesturing to the pouch. "Just don't shoot it or it will explode. Now, we're gonna need a distraction so we can place the device."

"They'll be watching us every step of the way," Khandee says. "I think I have a way to get their eyes off of us."

"Oh yeah?" Var asks.

"I'll rig the Wayfarer's engines and detonate it in their hangar," Khandee smiles.

"You'd be destroying our ride," Var points out.

"The hangar will have other ships," Khandee says. "At least one Lambda shuttle, we'll take that."

"Alright then," Var turns to Vidas. "Make sure we aren't searched."

"They won't search you if you're with me," Vidas assures. "They know my security goes through intensive screenings. At least, they normally do."

"Alright then." Khandee heads for the cockpit. "I'll input the coordinates. Next stop, the Maw."

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