Episode 3 - The Call Home

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Home, Var thinks. He has not set foot on Mandalore since he was a child. The Empire had utterly corrupted it. They had killed scores of Var's people, because they would not submit to Imperial control. We do not submit, Var thinks, this is the way. "Warhead!" He calls. The droid rolls into view. "Chart a course...for Mandalore."

"Bweep boop bwop."

"I know it's a terrible idea. We're doing it anyway."

"Beeoop bwop bwop."

"Because a friend called."

Warhead rolls off to the cockpit. Var finishes his Jogan fruit and follows the droid. Warhead plugs in, and a holomap blinks on. Var stares at the dot of light labeled Mandalore, then he activates the hyperdrive, and jumps to lightspeed.

Var tries to sleep as the Insight hurtles through space. Images of Mandalore flash through his mind. He was young when his family fled but he still remembers home. His thoughts turn to Wayland, where the four armed Myneyrsh had accepted his parents and himself. The Myneyrsh, like Mandalorians, respected strength. Var's father Rax had proven himself in single combat against a Myneyrsh warrior, and the family had been accepted into the village. They'd had a peaceful life, hunting and farming for their food. Despite their vastly different appearances, the Mandalorian family integrated well into Myneyrsh society. They were happy.

Var's hands clench into tight fists as he remembers walking amongst the charred bodies of the Myneyrsh after returning home from years of adventure. He sees his parents, their human corpses unmistakable amongst those of the Myneyrsh. The Emperor had done to Wayland what he had done to so many other planets. Palpatine saw the Myneyrsh as a threat, and dealt with them accordingly. Var's parents had died alongside the Myneyrsh, fighting their oppressors with their final breaths.

Var is shaken from his ruminations when Warhead informs him via the ship's intercom that they have arrived. He collapses heavily into his chair at the sight of his homeworld and the extent of the Empire's presence upon it. Var takes the helm and guides his ship down into the planet's atmosphere. He points the Insight away from the dome of the capital city, instead flying into the expansive desert. As the ship soars over the desolate land, the display pings and lights up with a set of coordinates. Var corrects the ship's course and redoubles the speed.

Gradually, a mountain begins to appear over the horizon. A ruin of a castle is set into its face. The once great structure is now half rubble. Formerly imposing pillars lay broken on the ground. The formidable building was a relic of old Mandalore, an era long past. Mandalore had been powerful once, its people had been proud warriors. Then Satine Kryze and her peace loving idealists took over. Only a handful of Mandalorians adhered to the old ways, and they were banished for it.

Var slows the Insight and brings the ship to a landing. He lowers the ramp and grabs his rifle on the way out. He presses a button on the side of his helmet, and a small antenna extends. The display in Var's helmet shows no Imperial signals, or any other signals. He pushes the goggles on his helmet down, switches it to thermal mode, and surveys the landscape for heat signatures. Nothing. Next Var reaches out with the Force. He immediately encounters the lifeforce of Gem Sevii. He smirks under the helmet, and walks toward the massive arched entrance of the castle.

As he ventures closer to the massive ruin, Var feels Gem watching him from a hidden spot within the battlements. Var crosses through the arch, across a bridge, and into a large antechamber. He feels Gem sneak closer. Var walks from the antechamber into a massive room that might have once been a dining room. A great stone table sits in the middle, its bottom third broken off and laying on the floor. He feels Gem in the hallway and positions himself against the wall as he enters. Var presses his blaster into the back of Gem's neck, "You never could sneak up on me...Goldeneye."

"Sharp as ever, Var Omnium," Gem responds, "Glad you got my message."

"It's been too long," Var clasps Gem's forearm. "I have missed you, my friend."

"14 years," Gem says. "I hear you've made a decent name for yourself bounty hunting."

"You don't seem to be doing so bad yourself," Var replies, "but why did you call me here? Tell me about this score you mentioned in your message."

Gem laughs, "In good time brother. We need to wait for the others to get here."

"Others?" As Var asks the question, he begins to feel three more lifeforces moving toward them. He and Gem walk out of the castle to see three ships landing near the Insight. Gem's black and gold armor glints in the sunlight. As they walk through the archway, three armor clad Mandalorians meet them.

"I will make the introductions." Gem points to a heavy set man wearing orange and silver armor, "This is Dagh Mebiss. Demolitions phenomenon." He points to a woman in red and gray armor, "Cora Scedii. The deadliest swordswoman in this system." He points last to a man in blue and gray armor. "Sopo Krott, best pilot I've ever had the pleasure of working with."

"Var Omnium." Var nods to each in turn.

"Var has incredible instincts," Gem explains "He knew you all were arriving well before we heard the ships. In all the years I've known him, I could never sneak up on him or hide from him. He's an incredible tracker, and his shooting skills are second only to mine."

Dagh folds his large arms, "Why'd you call us here, Gem?"

The rest turn their eyes onto Gem who replies, "The Empire is moving a large shipment of Beskar steel from Concordia and sending it to some Moff to decorate his mansion. The five of us...are going to steal it."

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