"What are you meant to be." - Part five

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I dropped the oily dishes on the table . My braided hair fell on my face and I angrily pushed it out of the way . I sighed and looked at the side of the kitchen which there was a pile of dishes .
" Harryyyy !" I yelled . He finally came in and closed the door with his hook .
" Uma !" He said with his loud psychotic tone .
I showed him the dishes and said :" Their cleaning will take a long time and again , I'll not be able to go and sleep !"
Harry turned around and looked at the dishes . Then he turned towards the table and thrust his hook into some crisps and put it in his mouth and he crunched on it .
" Harry ! C'mon help me ! I can't stay here overnight again !" And I rolled my eyes and yawned .
Harry came a step closer and I could feel his warm breath blowing in my face and his blue ice-like cold eyes staring at me with that usual psychotic - but I have to admit it was so lovely and attractive too - look .
" What ? You don't like spending time with me ?" He asked . I tried to stand still infront of that tall body of him .
" What does it have to do with that ?" I asked with my eyebrows raised and a cold smile .
Harry slowly caressed my cheek with his hook as I felt like his hand was shaking nervously but he had that cool face and smirk on her lips no matter what !
I hold his hand so I can prevent it from shaking and said :" I see your hand's shaking .." and grinned .
"It's so hard to stand so close to someone hotter than fire , I'm getting burned ; slowly melting and ..." He gulped and stared at me .
I wasn't feeling comfortable so I said :" Stop flirting , Hook !" And I put my hand on his chest pushing him slowly .
" You're playing really hard to get ..!" He said with a flirty tone trying to attract me .
But I just rolled my eyes saying :" Maybe if you wash these dishes , you'll have a chance , Hook !"
Harry laughed and turned towards the dishes .
" That's smart .." He said . I shook my head as approval and grinned .
" You know ? Dating is not allowed in the Isle . So that would be impossible .." I said and Harry turned around and looked at me with his eyes widened as usual .
" So you're telling me that , if dating was legal , you would date me ?" He asked and I froze.
I tried to find an answer but I stayed silent for a moment . Would I ? Maybe ...
I grinned and said :" Nope , Hook ! There's no chance .. I'm not hard to get .." Harry stared at me with that light black eye shadow around his ice blue eyes .
" I'm impossible to get !" I said as I was smiling sarcasticly . Harry tousled his messy brown hair and smirked .
" I love impossible ..!" He said .
I put my hands on my hips and said :" Then wash the dishes , Hook !" Suddenly door opened and I darted a step back . It was Gil .
Gil was wearing his usual brown headband which was covering his blonde hair . His eyes were almond and dark brown . Now that he had worked the whole day I would barely see him talking to us . He would just laugh to stupid jokes some old customers made everytime . But his performance at serving dishes was perfect ! Most of the customers were there because of his attitude .
He barely get angry and he is so clumsy ! But he is so loyal to be honest and the most imporant thing is that he isn't flirty like Harry and that's .. good !
" Gil ! Good job !" Harry said while cleaning his Hook with a wet napkin and making unpleasant noises that I tried to ignore .
Gil laughed and said :" Thanks bro . What are you guys doing here ? Aren't you guys supposed to be finished now ?"
Harry wanted to say something that I cut him short by saying :" Yes ! I'm done ! It's Harry's job to wash those !" And I pointed at the pile of the dishes . Gil raised his eyebrows and Harry laughed nervously .
" Good luck , Harry !" Gil said and waved at him . Harry didn't look at him . He just fixed his blue eyes on mine and tried to froze me but as he said I was too hot to freeze ..!
I smiled and waved at him and Gil and I exited .
Gil and I walked through my house across the street . It was dark and there was just one lamp on one of the walls which was gleaming and it wasn't enough to see where are we going but we tried !
" Uma ?" Gil mumured .
" Yes ?" I answered .
" Do you ever think our parents will be proud of us ?" He asked as we were walking and I could hear some owls making stressful sounds .
I bit my lip and said :" I guess so .. As long as we do what they say , Why wouldn't they ?"
Gil wrinckled his nose and took a deep breath and said :" But my father is dead .. How can I understand if I'm making him proud or not ?" His father was Gaston . That Gaston who was in love with Belle ( From the famous Beauty and the Beast story ) . Gaston's life ended by falling from a high tower I guess .. But as we see he had a relationship with someone and the baby is Gil . Because Gil never saw his dad . He just heard stories of him just like me . Stories about how selfish he was and how he loved himself , thinking he is so perfect and deserves all the girls around the world which sounds so stupid to me and I haven't told this to Gil because I don't want to disrespect his father. He really loved his father even though he never saw him !
" Well .. You need to take care of yourself and .." I slowed my tone down and said :" Villian kids' parents which are also a villian , aren't so nice to their kids so .. I don't mean to upset you but it's better to not have any parents if they were villians while they were alive !"
Gil stared with a sad and suspicious look to the ground while we were still walking .
We finally arrived and I said :" Gil .."
Gil looked at me ; In that darkness I could just see his eyes shining ; Well he always got emotional while talking about his dad and I could never blame him !
" Take care !" I said . " We're going to school tomorow , right ?"
" Yeah.." He answered and I felt his voice trembled .
" Goodnight , Gil !" I smiled in the most friendly and kindest way I could do which is kinda hard for me , to be kind . It means that I care for that person if I smile like that , at them . As I thought about this I remembered that I've never smiled at my mom like that ..
She hasn't either .
I don't know why has she given birth to me , if she was gonna mistreat me like this . I barely see her !
By barely I actually mean never . I remember seeing her last year but not even hearing her voice after. She is busy with cursing people and making poisons ! If you ask me , She does really stupid things ! I mean , she knows she has already lost everything ! Then why does she still continues cursing people to break up ? Is it funny for her ?
She has never sang me a lullaby too .. I remember even Mal , having her mother , Maleficent singing a lullaby for her while she was a baby but what about me ? My mother always sang "Poor unfourtunate souls " that is probaply one of the reason I never feel compeletly great !
Believe me , being a villian kid is not cool at all ; It's all a pretend and fake !

 I remember even Mal , having her mother , Maleficent singing a lullaby for her while she was a baby but what about me ? My mother always sang "Poor unfourtunate souls " that is probaply one of the reason I never feel compeletly great ! Believe me...

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Me / Writer :
Hey guys ! Thanks for reading my story again and again :)
It's such a honor to see people reading it .
Do you ship Huma (Harry and Uma) ?
Do you think Uma deserves to be in the Isle ?
Do you love her as a Vk ?
Write down in the comments 👁👄👁

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