"Happiness suits you better.." -part Fifteen

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Jay POV :
I sat beside Mal and Carlos wondering what are we gonna do next .. It was boring without her .. Without Evie .
I looked at Carlos and murmured angrily :" You destoryed everything in our friendship !"
Carlos looked at me and gulped . Mal said :" Jay , Stop ! It's all my fault .. I should've just let him go last night .." Then She looked at Carlos in a strange way .
Carlos took his lunchbox and said :" I think I shall go too .. Or I'm gonna ruin everything ."
Mal wanted to stand up when I looked at her and she froze . What has gone into her ?! A day ago , She was saying that she didn't want Carlos in group and lastnight they slept together ?!.. and now she was 5 seconds away from stopping Carlos from going . I stood up and put my hands on the table beside her and said :" Mal ! Why ?"
Mal looked at me as her green eyes were glowing and then she said :" What why ?"
"What happened to Mal Bertha ??!!" I asked outloud and pulled my hair back as my hand palms were touching the cold metal table .
She rolled her eyes and said :" What do you mean , Jay ?"
"Yesterday you were ignoring him all along but I understand that you slep with -"
"Shut up , Jay ! You don't know anything !!" She yelled at me and stood up as her fists were shaking and her eyes were compeletly glowed and green .
"Wow ... You're yelling at me because of that loser ?!!!" I said and raised my eyebrow .
Mal sighed and looked down , rubbing her forhead and closing her eyes so they won't stay glowed . She looked at me again and said :"Look .. He is not like that ! I thought the same at first but he is not .. He is so kind and he can be a great friend !"
I rolled my eyes and angrilly said :" I don't think that cuddling is a friendly action ! I think you don't see him as a friend !!"
But I instantly regreted saying that .. I bit my lip and sighed . She seem to believe that sentence for a second and then I saw her eyes glowing .
"I didn't mean to say that .." I whispered . Mal pursed her lips and hit me on my chest and pushed me firmly back .
"Mal !... I -" I stuttered .
"Bye , Jay ! Bye !!!" She walked away . Why didn't she just defeat herself ? Isn't she supposed to say no ? Well I guess I was right ?..
Then why did she become so angry ? I walked after her .. I couldn't stay in school today .
I took my lunchbox and suddenly heard someone calling my name . I turned and saw Uma standing behind me .
"What happened , Jay ?" Uma asked and pursed her lips into a duck face .
I sighed and said :" Not your buisness , Uma !" I was walking through the exit when Harry stood infront of me and widened his eyes .
"Did she leave you because of Carlos ???" He asked with his usual tone and smirked .
I placed my hand on his shoulder and pushed him to a side and he laughed wickedly . I walked out of the school , thinking about us . Thinking about our friendship and how it was ruined now ...
I walked down the crowded streets as sun was laying on the grey sky covering herself with dark clouds . Suddenly I heard a crying sound and turned towards the alley I heard the sound from and saw a blue-haired girl who was sitting behind the trashcan . It was Evie !!! I walked through her and stood beside her while she had her head down and was crying .
I placed my hand on her back and said :" Evie .." She looked at me and gasped . Then she dried her face with her coat's sleeve and stood up . I looked at her wet eyes and said :" Why are you crying ??"
Evie put her head on my chest and started sobbing again as I heard her saying :" She lied to me !!" I rubbed her back .
"What ? Who lied to you ??!!!" I asked and slowly leaned my face on her soft hair and quietly sniffed at her blue floral-smelling hair .
"Mal did !!! She kept lots of secrets from me !!!" She said and hit me on my chest with her clenched fists slowly as every punch felt like being caressed to me .
I raised my eyebrows and said :"What are you talking about ?"
Evie slowly stepped back and said :" I don't feel well .."
"You want to come to my house ???" I asked immedietly as she glanced at me with confusion.
"Like we can talk and have fun !" I shrugged and laughed so nothing would look awkward .
"That's okay I guess .." She said and sniffed as her face was still wet .
I gragpbbed her hand automaticlly and said :" Lets go then !"
She looked at me and slowly slid her hand out of my palm and said :" I'll follow you !"
I shook my head and walked through my house . Streets were quiet .. I mean kinda . There were less people walking around at the moment . I needed to grab her hand so she can jump across that stream so I did and as she jumbed I wrapped my hands around her waist so she won't fall .
No one was around and that moment that the only distance between us was some air and few centimeters ... She was blowing her cold breath through my face ; It felt like wind .. Cold but safe .. Felt like being in peace . I stared at her lips and she looked at mine ..When suddenly we heard someone screamimg ! She fastly pushed me away and stood beside me and looked around .
"What's that ..? Is that Ca..Carlos ?!" She asked and ran fast towards the sound . I ran after her !
Carlos ? Why was he screaming ? We reached a giant house known as Cruella's house . I still could hear someone screaming . Evie approached my ear and said :"That's Carlos ! We should survive him !"
"Why would he scream ?!!!!" I asked with my arms crossed .
Evie said :" Hush !!! I don't know why but he is not okay !"
I rolled my eyes because I knew she was wrong .. I mean Carlos was a coward but what would happen to him ?
"Someone help !!!!!" I hreard it again . Wow that was seriously Carlos !
Evie turned around and said :" I have a plan !" Then she sighed ..
"No , I don't ..I don't even know why is he screaming .." She whispered . I didn't know too .
"We should get help from Mal . Maybe .. Yesterday he has told her something about all these !" I said as I was stuttering .
" I know ! Maybe it's his mom again . I know what to do ! I'll just distract her and you'll get Carlos ! Okay ?" She asked . I shook my head as okay but I knew that we wouldn't win without Mal's help . We wouldn't do anything without her help . She was smart . I admit it !
I walked through the backyard as I heard a screaming sound , again . I tiptoed and passed the giant wall of the house and I froze as I saw what has happened ; It was Mal . I could see her walking down the alley with her spellbook in her hand untill she passed the wall and reached her house ; She was far away from house , now and she looked really small ; She looked like a blur getting smaller and tinier every moment . A purple blur .. She had her hand's palm toward the sky like she wanted to move something and as soon as she reached her house , I couldn't see her anymore .
I tiptoed till the house' door to see Carlos , but he wasn't there too ! As I opened the door and saw a room full of dalmatians , I couldn't see him there . I saw a dog winking at me and that made me smile but suddenly my feet caught something and I bounced back . I bent down and saw Mal's bracelet . It was fallen on the ground .. Everything was getting suspicious about this ... Mal used her spellbook to survive Carlos ?!!!! But why ..?!
"Jay !" It was Evie . I turned around to see Evie as she was kinda scared and her skin was paler than usual .
"Oh , Evie !" I said and laughed awkwardly.
"Where's Carlos ?" Evie asked and walked past me and stopped .
"Um.. I din't know . He is not here ...I just saw someone else !" I answered and looked at the place she was walking through moments ago .
"Who ?!!" She asked and I gulped . Why was she running like that , hilding the spellbook ? Was the thing I was thinking about the whole week , true ? Did Mal like Carlos ?
"Mal .." I said and noticed her mouth widened . She was short of breath . It did look like she didn't want to believe this ! It was same for me but it was good for me . Me and Evie would get closer but it was so mean to think like this so I just ignored my thoughts .
"I need to talk to her !" Evie said and stared at the horizon . I stayed silent .. She walked through Mal's house and I walked after her ..
What was gonna happen ? I was wondering .. We crossed the street as the only sound we could hear was some crows , making weird noises as usual .
Evie knocked Mal's house door .
'Who is it ?" Mal asked .
"It's Evie ..!" Evie said and sighed . It felt like I could feel Mal's fear . The way she was scared of losing crush !
Door opened and I saw Mal standing infront of the door , with her violet shirt and green legging with green laces in the belt part .
Evie said :"Can we come in ?"
Mal shook her head and ignored me standing there ; I admit it .. Saying that to Mal was compeletly wrong but now I was sure about that .. She loved Carlos ; Either way she won't even bother helping him come out . We entered the empty house and I widened my mouth trying to scan everywhere to find Carlos but he wasn't here !
Evie sat on a chair and said :" Mal , Let me just talk to you for a second ?" Mal murmured something like yes and they sat next to eachother .
I sat on a chair and tried to keep my eyecontact with Mal because I was still ashamed of what I told her in school .
Evie grabbed Mal's hand and said :" Look , Mal . I'm gonna ask one question because I want to know the answer .. Be honest ! Don't lie , M .. Okay ?"
Mal gulped and I could see fear rippling through her green eyes .. Then she took a deep breath and shook her head as okay .
"Do you ..? Love Carlos ?!!!" Evie asked .
Mal glanced at the toilet door and then looked at Evie . Evid turned and stared at me in a way shich meant go out . I sighed and walked through the exit . I sat infront of the house' door . I leaned on the wall so I could hear what are they talking about but it was so tuneless and unfledged . I tried to hear and I could finally head Mal talking :" No.. No ..Why would I ?"
After that I could hear Evie's melodious voice :" I read you diary !" Wow , Mal had a diary ?!
Then it was all silence ... Finally Mal said :" Wait what ?!!!"
Evie whispered :" M , I know you have a diary and I see no problem with that !"
Same .. I wouldn't see any problem with that but as much as I thought about the things girls were talking about I understood that Mal has written things about Carlos in the diary and she loved Carlos . I couldn't wait anymore and I stood up and entered the room , holding Mal's bracelet in my hand . They both looked at me and I said :" You could've told me .. I wouldn't force you to .. bully Carlos anymore ." Mal gulped and gasped .
"Guys ! Look .. I .. I was gonna .." Mal stuttered .
I saw Evie's eyes tearing up and suddenly she hugged Mal , hardly .
"It doesn't matter , Mal . We are friends .. If I knew you liked Carlos I'd help you .. I wouldn't steal him from you !" Evie said as her voice was trembling then she grabbed Mal's hands and smiled . I saw sparkling tear drops falling down her rosy cheeks as Mal's lips were trembling as she was trying to act like she wasn't gonna cry but her lips were trembling . I slowly placed my hand on her shoulder and said :" No problem , Mal . You are still so cool . You are still my friend ." I smiled and Mal looked at me .
"I lied to all of you .." Mal said and wipped .
Evie leaned her head to Mals' and rubbed her arm .
"Does he know ?" I asked .
Mal bounced back and yelled :"No ..! I can't !!"
"Why ?" Evie asked . It was beautiful that she was helping her bestfriend to get to her own crush ! She was like an angel ; Evie Grimhilde ..
"Because !.. Because I know he doesn't feel the same ." Mal said .
Evie sighed and said :" M , You need to talk to him about your feelings . Hiding your feelings is not right . Even if he doesn't feel the same way ." Then she rubbed Mal's back .
Mal looked at the clock and said :"It's almost 10 P.M . You guys should go .." then she rubbed her cheek that was wet and red .
Evie flipped her hair back and said :"Alright . Jay , You're coming too ?"
I stared at her brown eyes and blue eyeliner and gulped .
"Sure !!" I said and waved at Mal . We walked out of the house as Sky was as dark as possible .
"Are you okay , Evie ?" I asked and looked at her , who was staring at the ground as her blue hair was all over her face .
"Yeah , I am .." She answered but her voice trembled .
"Evie , Wait !" I said and stopped . Evie turned and looked at me but still I couldn't see her eyes as she was looking at the ground . The wind was blowing and her swaying hair was covering her eyes , hiding them from my vision . I slowly pulled her hair back with my finger tips and looked at her . She stared at me for a moment , in moonlight . Her eyes were teared up but she hasn't cried .
I stepped closer and said :" Please don't cry .. Happiness suits you more ." And I caressed her cheeks and .. I couldn't wait so I kissed her on cheek ... Just on cheek ! I think I deserved that but .. She was so beautiful . I couldn't stand for that beauty !

 I couldn't stand for that beauty !

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Me (writer):
Well ... I hope you liked it this time :") Because I'm crying right now (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) !!!
This story does make me emotional because it's relatable !
Do you like Jevie ??? Or Carvie ?
I'm sorry if you're a Carvie fan cuz Carvie it's over in this story (。•́︿•̀。)
Whatever :) I hope y'all liked this chapter .
Write down your opinions 👇👇👇👇👇❤

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