Chapter Six

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The conch horn blew, signaling lunchtime. The camper fell into a single file line. They sat at their appropriate tables. Modesty and Draco sat at the Hades table. They were the only Hades children, so they sat alone. Draco looked around. Most of the tables were full of campers, except for the big three tables. Harry sat alone at the Zeus table. At the Poseidon table sat a boy with sandy hair. Harry caught his eye and smiled. Draco smiled back. Modesty wiggled her eyebrows and made kissy noises. Draco playfully shoved her. Harry laughed. Draco joined him in laughter. Modesty smiled. After they all finished eating, Draco and Modesty trained together until it was time for dinner. After dinner, Chiron told them to gather around him. Draco stood between Modesty and Pansy. Sage stood next to Chiron, looking nervous. Chiron looked at the crowd of demigods. “It seems as if some of Apollo’s sacred cattle were stolen.” Some of the campers gasped. Draco racked his brain for the myth. Apollo had- or well has- a whole herd of cherry red cattle that were sacred to him. If someone stole them… Hermione raised her hand. Chiron looked at her. “Yes, Hermione?” “Chiron didn’t Hermes originally steal Apollo’s cattle? How do we know that he didn’t steal them this time?” Fred- or was it George- Weasley spoke up. “Sure. Blame our dad.” Hermione and the twin started arguing. Chiron stomped a hoof. “Children! Apollo has already spoken to Hermes. He claims that he has nothing to do with this. Apollo has demanded a quest. Harry, you will lead the quest. You will need a prophecy. Lavender?” A girl stepped forward. ‘She must be the oracle.’ Draco thought.  Lavender fell to her knees, green smoke poured out of her mouth. She spoke in a raspy voice. “Three shall head west. One the town of chocolate will best. There you’ll find the cattle red. The guardian will fall by the don of the dead.” The green smoke cleared. Lavender got to her feet. Everyone was looking at Draco. ‘The son of the dead.’ Did that mean him? Hades was the god of the dead. Draco was a son of Hades. “Well, Harry which two demigods would you like to go with you?” Chiron asked. Harry immediately gestured for Draco to come forward. “Draco and…” A pretty Asian girl from the Aphrodite cabin stepped forward. “I’ll go Harry.” She smiled sweetly at Harry, which made Draco’s blood boil. Harry looked uncomfortable. “Er.. ok! I guess I’m taking Draco Malfoy and Cho Chang.” Chiron nodded. “It is decided then! The three of you will leave at dawn tomorrow.” Cho ran to Harry and started to flirt with him. Harry looked for a way out. He spotted Draco walking angrily walking towards them. Harry’s face broke into a grin. Cho noticed Draco and frowned. “You’re Draco right?” Draco nodded. Harry put his hand on Draco’s shoulder. Draco went red. Cho stormed off. Harry looked over at Draco with a smile. “Was it something I said?” They burst out laughing. After a few minutes of laughing, Draco stared into Harry’s emerald eyes. “Harry I-” Modesty ran over with Chase. “I can’t believe it! We haven’t even been here for two days, and you’re already going on a quest! “ Harry stretched. “Well, we better get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us.” Draco nodded, said goodnight to Harry, Modesty, and Chase, and walked into the Hades cabin. Laying on his neatly made bed, was a stygian iron Spear with a note attached. Draco looked around. On Modesty’s messy bunk was a stygian iron dagger. Draco looked at the note. ‘Use this to your advantage.’ It wasn’t signed, but he knew exactly who it was from. For on the shaft of the spear was the symbol of Hades. “Thank you...Father…”

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