Chapter 1: Enter Stage New Player

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"Alright if we keep up this pace we should be able to make it though Jabberwock forest before nightfall." Hajime says to his partner Chiaki keeping a close eye on their map to make sure that they don't get lost throughout the treacherous woods of the Jabberwock woods. The two walked together until reaching an unknown fork in the road. "Huh? This isn't on my map, I wonder when it was added." Hajime questions getting out a small piece of charcoal from his bag to mark up the parchment. placing it on a nearby tree. Chiaki resting on a tree as well while waiting for her very stuck to the rules partner.

Suddenly the hard surface fell out from under Hajime, "What in the world?" he asks, seeing his tree gone and in its place an ethereal looking boy, with grand horns sprouting from his cloud like locks, a frown accompanying his crossed arms trying to come off as intimidating. "Well I think it's quite rude to use someone as a table without their permission. I hope you know that." The male says to Hajime. "Holy shit the tree turned into a human." Getting the attention of his partner, "You're a forest nymph right?" Chiaki asks stepping up next to the others and get a better look. "Yes." the boy says, scrunching up his nose. "So be careful of what tree you decide to lay or chop down, some nymphs like their personal space." He eyes up and down the pair looking taking notice of their weapons, "Are you adventures?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yes we are, what's it to you?" Hajime asks, almost hostile.

The nymph lights up, "Oh what good luck this is! I've been looking for adventures, maybe you could help me!" he beams. "Woah. Now, what makes you think we will help you? You did just threaten us just a few seconds ago." The nymph just let out a small laugh. "Sorry. Sorry. I just feel very strongly about protecting my people, or what is left of it." Chiaki chimes in, "What do you mean 'what's left of it?'"

"Huh?" the nymph perks up, "Do you not know? It was absolutely despairing, The dark mage of despair killed my parents and sent my kingdom plummeting into despair. I was the only one able to get out isn't that such good luck that followed the bad?" he explains, chucking at the memory.

"What?" the pair shouted back. "It's not possible. The kingdom of the nymphs is one of the most secretive places in the entire world; how could it just be taken down without anyone knowing about it!" Chiaki asks. "Yeah how do we know that you aren't pulling our legs?" "Oh I didn't really think of that but of course who would believe the world as someone like me. A prince who let his own kingdom fall because his luck let him live."

The pair look at each other "You're Prince Nagito?" Hajime asks jabbing his finger at the nymph, who just laughed "In the flesh." he says scratching the back of his neck. "Ah yes, I remember reading that the forest prince; also named the Prince of misfortune or the Cursed Prince; was born with an incredible luck cycle for every good thing there is an equal bad thing that happens...I think." Chiaki list off. The nymph, Nagito, nods "Ah so you have heard of my luck cycle well that is good luck. My bad luck was being used as a table but the good luck would be getting to meet you adventurers!"

"Chiaki a word if you please?" Hajime asks, pulling her away. "You don't just believe him do you?" Hajime whispers to the other, "Well I trust him, I think he doesn't seem like he had any alternative motive."

"Halt!" A voice calls out to the group causing Chiaki and Hajime to look towards the sound and they see a set of guards walking to the group, "We are looking for a criminal that had escaped from the prison in the heart of the Jabberwock forest." The first guard shows them a picture of the forest price himself. "He is a trickster and can shape to blend into the forest and becomes invisible to the naked eye." Hajime and Chiaki look to each other and turn back to where the boy once was gone and so was the tree.

"Is something wrong?" One of the guards asks, to the duo, "Um yes everything is fine." Chiaki tells them, "Then I assume that you know about the jackrabbit at your feet?" the other one asks pointing to a white jackrabbit with the same horns that the prince. The duo looks at each other, giving a nod of agreement. "Yes Sir, he is ours sorry, we didn't know where he had run off to but we found him so thank you." Chiaki lies through her teeth. "If we see this criminal we promise to let you know or return him to you." Hajime says nodding along.

The guards nod to the pair, "Alright have a good rest of your day." As they walk away the group lets out a sigh of relief Hajime's smile falls and he picks up the Jackrabbit, "You have a lot of explaining to do." he tells the rabbit. A puff of smoke forms and surrounds the small rabbit as it turns into the nymph from before the weight grows a lot heavier, causing the human male to drop the nymph. "I already told you my parents were killed by the dark mage. She's the ultimate despair that sent my kingdom into ruins. She has tried to kill me several times but every time my luck has kept me alive. So instead she locked me away and pinned the blame on me for the death of my parents. Honestly I'm super lucky that I had escaped at all." Hajime still wasn't convinced, "That still doesn't explain everything."

Nagito nods, "I promise I tell the truth, and this might sound crazy but there was a pack of wolves that had found me locked away and they dug me out of the prison I was kept in, isn't that wonderful." he tells the duo. Chiaki nods along, "I believe you, I think."

"What seriously do you just believe him just like that?" Hajime almost shouts, "But he could be a dangerous criminal." the two look over to the nymph who was twiddling with his thumbs, "I know Hajime but if he is telling the truth? We have had run-ins with people who claim to follow the mage of despair, this could be the same person, if so we could help him as well as stop helping countless other people from these remnants that follow the dark mage." she leans closer and whispers to him, "If you still don't trust him, we both know that They would be able to make a better call than the two of us." Hajime nods, "I know but I don't want this nymph to meet Them just yet." They share another look, finally nodding.

"Very well you can join us, however one wrong move and I won't hesitate to kill you and return you to the prison you came from." Hajime telling the pale male with a harsh tone, "Of course I will try my best to not cause you both any trouble. You have saved my life after all so I am in your debt, I will be more than happy to comply to your request." Nagito says with an easygoing smile. Hajime frowns, "Whatever." Chiaki rolls her eyes, "Don't mind Hajime, he's just always super uptight when he meets strangers. But don't let that scare you off he's really a big sweetheart." "Chiaki, don't tell him that." Nagito chuckles, "It's alright Hajime-kun, your secret is safe with me." Hajime huffs, and pulls out his map, "It would be unwise to head straight back to where you came from, we should still head into the next town like we planned to since those guards went the opposite direction. We lost some time, but we should hopefully make it before sunset. So let's be off." Hajime says gathering up the things that had been dropped before walking ahead. "Alright Hajime we are coming. Come on Nagito." Chiaki says, taking the nymph's hand, who freezes at the foreign feeling, as they pace after the spiky haired male. 

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