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(It's been two weeks since you started training, mostly because I'm too lazy to write a bunch of fight scenes)

(Stevens POV)
"I think your faster at learning than Connie!" Pearl congratulated Y/N. Me, Y/N, and Pearl were walking back to the warp pad after training. Me and Y/N had started training together, and my goodness was she good at fighting.

She fights like she has years of experience, weaving through the Holopearls expertly and slicing through them like they were nothing. Pearl has approached me about having a one on one, but I refused. Honestly, I was scared. I hadn't completely gotten ahold of my diamond powers, and I don't think Y/N was all there when she fought.

"Thank you ma'am." Y/N smiled at Pearl, then looked back at me. We warped back home, and Amethyst and Garnet ran to us as soon as the light disappeared.

"Y/N! Bismuth said she wanted to see your axe. She said she wanted a new project and wanted to upgrade your weapon or something." Amethyst pulled her back onto the warp pad.

Pearl and Garnet stayed behind, and I followed them reluctantly. "I'm starving." I muttered. Y/N opened her training bag and pulled out two granola bars, eating one herself. "Thanks." I blushed and took it.

"Let's go!" Amethyst warped us to Little Homeworld, and we walked to Bismuths shop. As far as I knew, Bismuth and Y/N hadn't met (I think, if they have then this is embarrassing).

Bismuth was waiting by the door. "Hey guys! You must be Y/N!" Bismuth hugged her tightly, so tightly Y/Ns arms were pinned to her side.

"Yeah." She said shyly. She stepped back so her shoulder was touching mine. I knew she was nervous when meeting new people, so I usually did most of the talking.

Bismuth motioned for us to come inside. "Can I see your weapon, Y/N?" She stepped behind her anvil with a smile.

Y/N held her hand out and furrowed her brows. Sparkles surrounded her hand and the black and white axe formed with a flash.

"Ooo." Bismuth and Amethyst marveled at it. I guess Amethyst hadn't seen it yet either. "An Onyx. How fascinating." Bismuth whispered. "Could I see it?" She reached for the axe and Y/N dropped it in her hands. Bismuth grunted, and the axe pulled her to the ground, smashing her hands into the ground.

"What's wrong?" Amethyst laughed.

Bismuth grunted, like she was straining to pick it back up. "Holy cow kid, how do you hold this thing? It's like a million pounds."

Y/N looked confused. "I thought it was really light." She reached for the axe and picked it up with ease. She twirled it around in her hand, throwing it up in the air and catching it before handing it back to Bismuth. The same thing happened, Bismuth tumbled to the floor as if the axe weighted ten tons.

"Fascinating." Bismuth muttered. Y/N picked it up again, still confused. "It seems your weapon is made with a material that only responds to your touch. Rendering it useless to other gems."

I think that went way over everyone's heads. "Huh?" Me and Amethyst asked.

Bismuth sighed. "She's the only one that can use it. I don't think there's anything I can do to upgrade it. Unless you want me to get rid of that dent." Bismuth pointed at the chip on the edge of the axe.

"No thanks. It gives it character." Y/N smiled and the axe disappeared.

"You've got a pretty cool weapon kid, your lucky." Bismuth patted her shoulder.

Y/N smiled. "Thank you."

Bismuth looked pretty strong, so it was odd to see her struggling to pick up the axe, it seemed so light to me. We warped back to Stevens house, where Garnet and Pearl waited patiently to see my upgraded weapon.

"Well..?" Pearl prompted.

"She couldn't change anything." Amethyst sounded bored with the situation.

Pearl looked at me. "What? Why not?"

I was about to speak, when Amethyst stopped me. "Here, look at it." I summoned my axe. Then Amethyst motioned for me to hand it to Pearl.

I dropped it into Pearls hands, and she smacked into the ground. Me and Steven giggled.

"I wanna try!" Steven grabbed the handle of the axe from Pearls hand, he used all his force to pull it upwards, and it complied. But as soon as it was in the air he tumbled back and fell to the ground. "Ouch." He muttered. I grabbed the axe from him and shook it around until it disappeared.

"Can we get dinner now? My legs are starting to give out." I said quietly. Steven bounced up happily at the mention of food.

"Sure! Let's get pizza."

Steven woke me up at eight. "Connies coming over!" He said happily.

"Great..." I muttered and got up slowly. I got changed and ran downstairs to get some cereal.

"Do you like Connie?" Steven asked me.

I almost choked on my cereal. "What? Uh, yeah she's nice." Was the believeable?

"Y/N..." He said in a serious tone.

A knock at the door interrupted him. "Steven?" Connie called.

"Come in!" He mouthed 'we will talk later' and stood up to greet her.

Connie cleared her throat when we made eye contact. "Steven, can we talk?" Steven nodded. She gave me a disgusted look. "Alone?"


Word Count: 917

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