It is I

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2 weeks later...

"Good morning, Participants!"

"Good morning!" The sea of participants replied.  

"The art of crafting isn't just a skill, it is a gift! You craftsman are a rare and indispensable asset to our world and that is the major reason this program was created; to not only discover you and your works but to also encourage you to continue to create and inspire those present and those to come.
For the past two weeks, we have brought you various, famous craftsman from across the globe to enlighten you and make you think out of the box, to encourage you to stretch deeper within yourself to reveal your true potentials. My father used to say, you can only get so far when you stand by yourself, working with only the little you have or know but when you stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you, you will be able to see further, dare to dream and you will achieve more than you ever could standing on your own."

"My name is James Karimo Engoebi and I will be your task master," he said.

The once quiet hall was suddenly filled with the sound of the cheering and applause for the speaker.

"Just as we are all special in our own different ways, so are our crafts and our crafts are also timeless! Yes, every craft is a piece of art that is timeless. Yes, It is always breaks language, race and gender barriers. It is not limited by ones disabilities. The gift of crafting is what puts a smile on people face sometimes, it could be that light at the end of the tunnel for that child with Down syndrome in a lonely world or that encouragement to go on, or that work that even inspires a poet or singer or whatever! It could be that work of art that soothes you every time you see it in your bedroom."

"Crafts are invaluable, timeless and most importantly limitless," he added.

He leaned closer to the microphone while opening a cream envelope in his hands, "Today, participants your task is to make crafts that are Timeless. Yes, in fact, you will be traveling back in time to 1800 to create crafts that could be used in such times and you're expected to show they can also be used in this present day and in this country. You will be divided into various groups consisting of all the different categories of craftsmen participating in this contest with five representatives each in every group. For instance, in Group A, there will be four representatives from carpentry, sculpture, there will be blacksmiths, goldsmiths, interior decorators and so on."

"Each group will be given a particular country to focus on and the finances to acquire whatsoever they need, however, bare it in mind that if you exhaust the money given to you, you will not—I repeat—not be able to acquire anymore resources so, spend wisely. The task is to last for 2 weeks and to avoid there being any intentional copying, you all have the liberty to choose where you work."

"Participants will be scored on originality, creativity, the level of teamwork and most importantly the connection to the theme for your task. Every team must pick a team leader, an assistant, secretary and financial adviser from amongst yourselves. An official supervisor will be assigned to each group to check on your progress throughout the designated time for this task," he leaned closer and whispered, "I'm not supposed to tell you this but they'll be quite strict too."

The participants laughed.

"Please participants,  follow rules, guidelines and instructions given to you. At the end, it's a contest so give your best and have as much fun as you can. I wish you all the very best. Good day."

The participants applauded him as he walked down the podium and as Etinosa came on.

"Good morning, Participants," he said.

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