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"Kai! Kai where are you?" Nya twirled around, searching through the crowd in an attempt to find her lost brother.
"Nya!" He responded, pushing through the crowd to her. He managed to grasp her hand and pull her close. "Listen Nya, you have to go on the carriage."
"What? Kai, no!"
"It's the only way you'll make it out of here alive! Father gave me the task of protecting you and I won't fail him! You always quote father, so quote him now! What would he want?"
Nya stared at her brother's bright amber eyes, tears in hers. "Kai… Take this… It was mothers… I feel there's more to it than meets the eye."
And that was when she handed him a brilliant bracelet. It wrapped around his wrist, luckily tight enough to remain on without slipping off when he waved. Kai trailed a finger absently along the golden trails and swirls that decorated the crimson metal brace until he reached the small dragon made out of ruby, gold spurting out of its mouth as though it were flame. Heat seemed to gather around the bracelet as both of the siblings made skin contact with the crimson wrist band, but quickly disappeared as Nya's hand pulled away.
"I want this back Kai. Find me and give me this in the future. I will be able to keep hope this way…. Hope that you will find me."
"Nya… I-"
A scream rang out across the square. Everyone turned in shock to see a massive amount of zombies stumble in the town through the fence. One made it to a woman and bit her in the neck. The zombies came in by large numbers, catching random civilians and munching on their flesh. The act was so quick that some people stood in shock and horror.
A guard suddenly grabbed Nya and shoved her towards the carriage. She gave a yelp as she was tossed up onto the truck, the door slamming shut behind her. She turned around to face the giant crowd behind her. Almost all of the citizens in the crowd were men and boys now, but a few women were mixed within the chaos. Nya could tell where her brother was by the red motorcycle outfit he wore.
"Kai!" She screamed.
"Nya! Sister, I'll find you! Don't worry about me!"
The engine started, and the truck lurched forward. Nya stared at her brother as he turned and slammed his fist into a Zombie's forehead, stomping on its head when it hit the ground. He quickly circled and elbowed another. Nya tried to stand to keep watching her brother, but the guard hanging onto the trunk threatened to knock her out. A tear trailed down her cheek as she watched the town, Ignacia, disappear beyond the horizon.

Kai Smith had always been one for speed. He owned quite a few motorbikes, but none matched his spruced up treasure. The red paint matched his biking gear and his helmet, and the dragon that curled around the bike and his helmet were both painted bright gold. The light of the day was dimmed through the black visor, allowing him to look around with ease and without the need to block his view.
Kai named his bike Flame, after the dragon and the flames that shot out of the pipes in the back. The bike gleamed in the light, being as shiny as it could possibly be. His helmet was the same, and his leather suit clean as a whistle.
He shot through the desert, sending sand everywhere from his tires. He smirked as the motor sounded in his ears. He drove up a hill and skid to a stop, sliding his bike left in the process. Kai removed his helmet, revealing his newly scarred face and his spiky, dark brown hair and bright amber eyes. He took in a deep breath as he looked over the horizon, seeing the small town his sister and he used to live in. He swallowed, horrified as he saw the group of zombies walking to get his friends and bite them. The remaining people would never be able to get out, the only way out of the fence was either the whole the corpses had created, or the exit that the trucks left through. For now, it looked like he was the only one who got out.
Kai sighed, feeling a tear fall down his cheek, stinging his new wounds as he saw a flame burst from a house. The remaining citizens must have decided to burn and destroy the zombies there… Kai looked down to see Nya's bracelet wrapped around his wrist over his suit, and smiled at it. He placed his helmet back on, and started his bike. He spun his tires, throwing sand off the hill, and sped off once more, leaving the only place he had ever known to be his home.
"Don't worry Nya," he said through his helmet to himself. "I will find you... soon."

The sound of heavy trucks echoed through the empty road, and the sound of human conversations followed shortly. Continuous talks about how long it would take to reach their destination, or where they were even going. A few of the kids played eye spy, all innocent despite the evil world around them. The parents were closely watching their kids while they talked about their past lives and new goals. Nya Smith simply stared at her feet in sorrow.
The deep, blood red color of her shoes reminded Nya of her brother, and her eyes released a few tears, ruining her make up slightly. "Kai…" she whispered.
Had he survived the attack? Had he managed to get away or was he… bitten?
"Don't worry," Nya looked to her left to see a young girl smiling at her. The innocent look in her eyes… it reminded Nya of her mother. "Daddy is still in the town. I'm sure that he will save everyone with your brother." Nya stared at the girl for a few moments, and blinked twice. "Are you ok?" The girl asked, crooking her head slightly at her. Nya smiled and petted the spot next to her, and the girl squeezed in.

"I am now... Thank you," Nya replied. "What's your name?"

"I'm Mary," the girl said as she looked at Nya's amber eyes, smiling brightly.
"Hello, Mary. You can call me Nya."

Ninjago: Masters of Zombie SlayingWhere stories live. Discover now