Run to the City

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Cole shivered, huddled up to the brick wall with his blanket around his body. He had built a small shelter from the bricks, a random umbrella and his shovel. The only real part the zombies may have reached him from was the top, and that was if they could lift things. Idiots never think to look under something for food.
"It's ok, Rocky…. Everything's going to be fine. I'll keep us alive…." Cole whispered as he pet the stuffed dragon's head. Lightning cracked, and Cole managed to keep himself from screaming in horror. He never liked lightning… never knew why.
A moan was heard in the distance, and Cole held his breath. He silently preyed and huddled closer to the wall. It took his whole being to keep himself from screaming as a thud was heard right in front of him.
The zombie stood, its shadow flashing on the umbrella and made Cole shiver in fear. It was so close… almost close enough to touch him. Too close.
'Can it smell me?' Cole had to shake his head to get the thought out of his head. 'No… No Rocky and I are safe…. especially with the shovel here for me to use.'
The zombie paused for a moment, almost as though it were trying to find him, the source of the scent. Cole held his breath, waiting for the rain to hit his head and to see the corpse's face. Another flash of lightning illuminated the umbrella, revealing the zombie to be standing right next to him. Cole swallowed, sweating and trying not to let his breathing be too loud. It took another step, and Cole could see three fingertips reach in.
That's all it took.
Cole screamed, grabbing the shovel and jumping out, slamming the jagged end into the zombie's head. He watched as the corpse fell once more, and Cole gave a loud sigh in relief. He heard another low moan and looked up in the dark night. Another flash, and Cole's heart dropped. He stared in pure horror as a gigantic group crept along the road towards him.
His legs grew shaky, and his hands twitched in fear. He shook his head, backing up slowly. There was no hiding. The one in front gave a loud shriek and Cole knew it was too late. They had found him.
He swirled, the slippery ground making it easier, and he charged down the street as fast as he could. Behind him he heard many of them slipping on the ground, tripping others in the crowd. He heard the others running, eager to dine on their first meal in possibly weeks. The zombies crawled on each other, dragging themselves to the ground and slamming into each other.
Cold rain fell against Cole's face, making his naturally wavy hair stick to his forehead, despite how much he tried to keep it out of his eyes. He tucked Rocky within a small pocket hidden within his coat, and gripped the shovel tightly with both hands.
He gasped, seeing a car up ahead. He could hide in there! Cole nearly slipped as he stopped running and peered inside, only to see a zombie inside, crawling on the glass to get out. Cole sighed in frustration and turned back to the hoard following him. Cars meant civilization, and civilization meant buildings to possibly close himself in.
Hours seemed to pass as he charged through the forest, forgetting about the road and hoping the trees would slow the corpses down. He made sure he could always see the road to his left, and used it as a guide.
He looked ahead, a smile creeping on his face as he saw a town ahead. It was a large city, one that Cole's father had only talked about briefly, yet proudly. A location in which the theater was held, along with most businesses and buildings.
Cole was heading towards Ninjago City.

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