Armor and Weapons

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The sun beat down heavily on the desert, drying up whatever water remained from the rainfall from the night before. Whatever animals remained had taken refuge within the dirt ground, hiding away from the harmful rays. The only creatures that seemed to be outside were the humanoids and the young adult who they were chasing.

Jay looked behind him, seeing the horde as it came closer to him. He needed to get to shelter… the zombies didn't feel the heat, but he sure did. Almost as if on cue, he looked ahead and saw his shelter. An old junkyard out in the middle of nowhere. He could loose them there, if he was lucky. He might even be able to fashion himself a weapon of some sort.
He rushed towards the gates, finding them to be closed. Luckily the ground was sand, and he quickly dug his way underneath. The zombies weren't as smart as him, and banged against the gates, trying to break in. And judging by the rusted lock, it wouldn't take them too long.
Jay rushed to the nearest pile, finding a piece of pipe that was just a little longer than a foot and faintly rusted. His mind started racing, so many ideas. He could make a lot of things with a pipe… with the right ingredients he could make some sort of gun or… a sword-like weapon. Maybe he could even duel wield pipes like the heroes wielded swords in the comics he used to read.
He began to look for another, stumbling over a pile of clips on his way to the next junk pile. They looked like… oh what did his father call them… well, whatever they were, they were strong if they were what actors or mountain climbers used to hook up their harnesses. He knelt down and stuffed as many as he could into his pockets.
A loud clank filled the air, and Jay turned to see the gate wide open, the zombies rushing through. A pipe off to the side caught Jay's attention, and he moved fast as lightning, grabbing it and pulling it, trying to pry it from the pile. The zombies grew closer, and he pulled harder, eventually hearing a loud screech of metal. He fell backwards, the pipe in his hand as the pile of car parts and other heavy pieces began to teeter. With a really loud crash, it fell on the corpses. Jay cheered, waving the two pipes in the air like a child. Now all he had to do was make a few weapons to keep close.
He studied the clips, hooking as many as he would onto each of his belt loops on his jeans. He'd just have to find a working drill and whatever metal pieces he could find and he'd have weapons on him. He spent the rest of the day gathering countless pipes and drills, metal sheets and saws. He found a few tires and took them, rolling them along the ground until they landed next to the pile.
He started off his work by using the drill, making small holes in flexible sheets of silver-colored metal, cutting up the tire and strapping it onto his arms, attaching the straps together by using duck tape. He did the same with his shoulders, making holes and strapping on three plates. He took a few more sheets, making plates that wrapped around his lower legs and used the rest to cover the left side of his upper body.
He then started on the weapons.
Using a sander, he shaved down a few pipes until they were pointed like spears. He took a few heavy sheets and made them into a sword cut, making a hole with the drill and attaching them to the clips at his belt. Sure the metal attachments would be heavy, but they were extra protection. He made countless weapons. Daggers, swords, spears, and he even made a weapon that his favorite comic character used all the time. He had taken about ten of the clips and attached them to the pipes and hooked them together. They were kept safely close, hooked onto the armor on his back. He tied the remaining hoses and tire strips around his chest like a sash.
Jay felt ready to take on the world. He had armor and weapons; something that most people nowadays would kill survivors for.
He left the junkyard, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket and using the oil on his hands to make a small X above the circle on the small sheet. It was a map, telling him where to go if he needed more tools. He looked above the small X he had just added. A star was on the sheet, written in green pen. That was where his parents were taking him. And that's where he was going now. Shelter, safety… and hopefully survivors that could help him, help find a cure to the disease that infected the land.
Jay wasn't into anatomy; he wouldn't be good at creating a new cure. But, he would be a good machine maker, and be able to keep electricity running long enough for them to create one. He would find some way to help.
He took a deep breath and gathered his belongings. It was going to be a long trip and he'd have to learn to live off of lizards for a while if he was going to make it there alive. He then took his first step towards the big city.

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