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**Important Quick Note at the end**

Hermione's POV:

I walked out of the house and the forest behind the house with Edward behind me. I stopped when we got to a small clearing with logs around. I quickly waved my hand and nonverbally cast the Silencing Charm so that I could talk to Edward without the others hearing me before sitting down on a log. Edward sat down beside me.

"What do you want to talk to me about Hermione?" Edward asked. I was angry at Edward but sad at the same time. Hearing what Edward did to Bella reminded me of what I went through with Ron and I couldn't help but want to lash out. But I found myself telling Edward things that I kept to myself.

"When Renee left Charlie, I was 8 years old. She took Bella with her and left me with Charlie. I was daddy's girl so, of course, I didn't really mind staying with him. But that meant that I didn't have a motherly presence in the house and my little sister. I was alone. I love Charlie but he wasn't the most outgoing. So, I took comfort in books. I was always at Forks Library and when I read the majority there I asked Charlie to take me to the one in La Push. When Bella was three, Renee started to bring her down to Forks in the summer. I was happy to see her even for that short amount of time. We spent our time in La Push Beach and that's where we met Jacob. I was protective of Bella because at a young age she showed shyness that I knew people would take advantage of. A year later I was given the chance of going to a prestigious school in Scotland. I didn't want to leave Bella alone but for such a young child, Bella was very smart and knew that this school would change my life forever. So, she told me to go."

I stopped talking and looked at Edward. I then grabbed him by his neck and applied pressure. I felt the air around us start crackling. His eyes widened and I smiled coldly.

"So, I just don't understand why someone would leave a girl so sweet in the forest alone. You left my sister even though you claim that you love her. Bella almost killed herself because of you!" I was now shouting and shaking with anger. I stood up and pulled him up by his neck while chuckling darkly.

"You know I was thinking about breaking every single bone in your body before feeding you to wolves. But I can't let your sweet daughter be fatherless. So, Edward, I'm warning you. I'm very protective of those I love. The next time you hurt Bella, I'll cut off your dick and turn it into soup before feeding it to you." I knew that my eyes were shifting colors. I didn't think Edward's face could get any paler.

"Is that clear?" I asked while applying more pressure to his neck. I felt it crack a little and saw his eyes widen more.

"Yes, Hermione." He strained out. I released his neck and started walking back.

"I did it because I love her." I stopped but didn't turn around. "At that time, Bella was in danger because of me. I felt that the best way to protect her was by leaving her. After hearing that Bella almost died, I realized that it was a mistake. I know that you have no right to trust me after what I did but I promise you that I won't hurt Bella again." He said.

"Actions speak louder than words Edward. My threat still stands Edward and when I make a threat, it's a promise." I removed the Silencing Charm quickly.

"We better go back before Bella thinks that I killed you," I said. I started walking back and I heard him follow. We reached the house quickly and I walked towards my car.

"Are you not going to stay for a while?" Edward asked. I knew that he wanted to talk to his family a bit about the strength that I displayed so I decided to leave and let them try to figure out what I was.

"No, I'll come back tomorrow. Tell Bella I said we'll catch up tomorrow." I got into my car and drove away.

Edward's POV:

After Hermione left, I ran inside. Everyone was still standing where Hermione and I left them. Bella rushed to me and I felt everyone turn to look at me.

"Edward, what did Hermione want to talk to you about?" She asked. I could still feel Hermione's hand squeezing my neck to the point that it cracked. That was impossible. Hermione is human. She shouldn't have been able to handle me the way she did. I looked at everyone in the room.

"She almost broke my neck," I whispered in disbelief. Everyone looked at me blankly. They knew it was impossible.

"Edward you know that's not possible." Bella started. "Hermione is human." I touched my neck and saw that there were still some cracks left. I tilted my head up for everyone to see.

"But she did the impossible." I put my head back down before looking at Carlisle. "Have you ever heard of a human being able to do this Carlisle?"

"No Edward. I am as surprised as you are. Hermione has a heartbeat and her skin is warm so she must be human." Carlisle said.

"And she is so small. How was something so small able to do that to you, Edward?!" Emmett laughed.

"I felt fear coming off him when he stepped into the house," Jasper added chuckling. I glared at both of them. Then I remembered something else.

"There was also something weird about her. The was like some sort of staticity around her and I swear her eyes changed colors." I looked at Bella. She was silent and looking at the ground. She must have felt me looking at her cause she realized her head.

"What is your sister?"

Words: 1017

I honestly don't like my writing but hopefully, it gets better. Let me know what you guys thought about this chapter.

*I want to start figuring out who to pair Hermione with. Thank you to @FanOfFun629 for reminding me about this. I want you guys to vote on who you want Hermione to be with. She could be with a Harry Potter character, a Twilight character, or a character that is a celebrity or someone you created. The character with the most votes wins. Comment a character in the sections below.*


Harry Potter

Other Character


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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