11. it's a date

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Paula is so pretty^, if I wasn't currently six months pregnant and practically married to a slob I'd definitely be in Spain

I lay in the dry, dead grass, covering my eyes with my arm as the sunlight soaks my body. I had fallen whilst playing soccer and decided to simply lay there, too tired and unmotivated to get back up. Coach hadn't even noticed my absence, he too nearly falling asleep on the bleachers. It was a dreary Tuesday and no one was up for PE.

My initial hope was for Lennon to join me but she was busy on the other side of the field, chatting with the guys playing baseball as Justin tried to desperately haul their attention back to their game. Though the day started out windy and freezing cold, the temperature was now neutral, a warm sun and an almost nonexistent breeze.

Yesterday's four hundred assignments really had me stressed, along with the uncertainty of the whole Harry situation. Who, by the way, isn't putting much effort into the whole "let's date and see how it goes" thing, I answered his good morning text yesterday morning and still haven't received a reply. See, if we were in a relationship that would've bothered me.

"Get off your ass." The male voice makes me scoff, ready to sneer before I open my eyes and see Nate, my ex, towering above me. His presence suprises me, but not enough to make me stand up, just to prop myself up on my elbow and glare.

"Shut up."

"Your nose will bleed." He remarks, darting a hand out to give my face shade. I sigh, knowing the truth he's saying and standing up quickly.

"What's up?" I look around at how the whole class is minding their own business, unbothered by the coach that's almost now laying completely on a bench.

I also keep an eye open for Nelly Krouse, Nate's current girlfriend, universally known for her passion about making scenes in the middle of the school day. Typically, I'd be able to put up with Nelly, with anyone really, but Tuesdays just have a way of playing with my mind and physically weakening me.

"I just wanted to say happy late birthday." He shrugs, twirling the metal bat in his hand. "Heard about your party."

"Thanks, and I'm pretty sure you were invited to the party." It wasn't like I personally went up to my ex and invited him, I just left the door open for anyone who wanted to come.

"Yeah, that would not have turned out so great." Nate scratches the back of his ear, widening his eyes at whatever thought just popped up in his mind. "I uh, I heard Stefan's back in town." He clears his throat, back straightening as a tension falls between us.

When our breakup was still fresh, I really leaned on Stefan for support... among other things. And when Nate was trying to fix our relationship, Stefan made sure that it never happened. Plus, he was always so insecure about Lennon's brother, it was starting to get ridiculous to the point he wouldn't approve of me going over to their house alone.

It wasn't like Nate and I had ended on bad terms, we were friends longer than we were in a relationship, and neither of us wanted that to end in petty insults and lies. We were good until we weren't, and I decided I didn't want to spend most of my high-school years chasing after a guy who didn't really want to be chased.

"Just for a few days."

"You're still seeing each other?" When did Stefan become such a problem in my life?

"No Nate, we're not and we never were." I roll my eyes, wondering if after all these months he's still caught up in the same thing. "I told you before-"

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