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The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is stare blankly

You don't even know how much you hurt me with the fact that I'll never be good enough for you

Do you remember when we only used pencil sharpeners for pencils?

Save me from reality

Suïcidal people are just angels who want to go home

I was crying last night.but you probably dont care,do you?

I'm losing my empathy.

I have a bad habit of isolating myself when I'm upset.part of it is because I dont want to drain the happiness put of others,but the rest is because I donnnt want any more negativity to hurt me more than I already am.

Stop pretending you care about me

I hate getting flashbacks from things I dont want to remember

Just for once,I want to be someone first choice instead of their last resort.

I'm sick of staying silent but I can't find words to tell you how I feel.

I'm sorry I cant be perfect for you.

I hurt myself so that others can't

I cry because I'm me.

You will never understand the hellish things in my head

Depression is like your in a abusive relationship with yourself

How can you understamd me when I don't understand myself?

Even the devil was once a angel.

When I'm upset I shut myself down.I have no motivation for anything.I tell myself that no one cares although some do.I think about all the negative things I can.I give myself all the pain,thinking I deserve it.I'm not sure why I do that.its just the way I am.

Sleep isnt sleep.its an escape

I'm falling apart right in front of your eyes,but you dont even see me.

I don't know what the fuck I'm feeling.

Please tell me I'm not as forgettable as your silence makes me feel...

My parents still dont know that they lost their child years ago.

I help people with their problems to hide my own.

I'm losing myself.I'm becoming cold,biter,horrible.there are many reasons as to why; to shut everyone out so they no longer have the power to hurt me.to make you realize what a waste of time I am,and that you deserve much better.But,i think my main reason is that it's easier.you will learn to hate me,and I'll know for sure that I'm unwanted.

We're so lost.we're only kids....

No one needs me as much as I need them.

Music is my escape from this bullshit.

Blast the music until you cant feel a fucking thing.

Music is medicine.some days you need the music,and some days you need the lyrics.

Am I alive or just breathing?

I dont know if I want to drown myself in love or in my bathtub

Depression is when you dont really care about anything.anxiety is when you care about everything too much.and having both is just like hell.

I need you to hug me and tell me that I'm not as worthless as I think I am.

I don't even know what I'm doing with like anymore.

If I let you in,please dont break anything...

It's getting bad again,and I dont know what to do or where to go or who to tell.no one really cares,right?

I wish I was enough for someone.

I want you to know but I don't want to tell you.

I'm trying my hardest to not act how I feel

There is nothing to love about me.

Self h*rm isnt just c*tting.

"I dont see any cuts."
Why would I put them where you can see?

I'm often silent when I'm screaming inside.

The demons are back,and this fight?they want to win.I might just let them.

Please believe me when I tell you that you mean everything to me.

I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted

Fuck it.I'm tired of trying.

I wanna love someone whos just as fucked up as me.

No one ever questions why I dont look before I cross the street.

You need to understand that I am a deeply unhappy person.

Stop carrying my words on your shoulders.

Venting But Also Random Shit I Say Or ThinkWhere stories live. Discover now