So it begins...

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SCPF Researcher:"Fascinating, it seems as though we are all capable of having powers."

SCPF Researcher 2:"Well, ever since we came here, yes."

SCP MTF:"We've been at this for days, now come on."

SCP MTF 2:"Just try to find your 'semblance' man."

Wilhelm:"That's enough guys."

SCP MTF:"Oh Agent Kröenen!"

Wilhelm:"Get everyone from the Foundation, and back here ASAP. We may have a situation..."


SCP MTF Team Leader:"What's up?"

Wilhelm:"Have any of you been getting warnings from SCP-990?"

Lots of murmurs are heard in the crowd and everyone raises their hands.

Wilhelm:"Damn, damn damn damn... Alright so here's the thing... These warnings, are true. There's a threat amongst us. Not us, the Foundation, but amongst the people of Vale, be wary ladies and gentlemen... I have brought you all here to do one thing.... Train. Now before you complain to me you've been all training. It's not enough. I've seen y'alls work in the Coliseum. Your teamwork is unparalleled by the people of Vale... But it isn't enough. Soon enough... Something will come. I'm sure you're all familiar with the Grimm, especially during your... Initiation... There's going to be an invasion..."

Team Leader-2:"How do you know that?"

Wilhelm:"It's a hunch, just be ready guys, you can watch the fight on your scrolls, but be alert. Patrol the perimeter."

MTF Unit:"But there are only 372 of us! We can't patrol everywhere!"

Wilhelm:"Precisely, that is why... We will patrol within the stadium, Atlas soldiers will be helping us, but compared to us? Their experience fighting monsters is likely miniscule. No offense..... No... We can have 50 members at the coliseum. Then have the rest at Beacon."

Team Leader:"Wilhelm, we trust you... But if you're wrong, by the end of the tournament. You owe us all one."

Wilhelm:"You got it. Now... Get to it! You're in charge Tucker."

Tucker:"What!? Why me?"

Wilhelm:"Do you want me to get Caboose?"

Tucker:"No. We're good!"

Wilhelm:"Good, I'll check up from time to time."

Wilhelm's Fight

Oobleck:"And now for our next match, a warrior from another world versus ours. WILHELM! Fighting against one of ours... EMBER!"

Port:"This will be interesting..."

Ember:"So you're the 'Rose Eagle...' Don't look like much to me."

Wilhelm:"Trust me, I'm no normal Other-Worlder."





Ember immediately tried to burn Wilhelm with fire, only to watch Wilhelm disappear into a blur. 

Ember:"What the-."

Ember kicked Wilhelm and used his fire to propel him forward to hit Wilhelm.

Wilhelm:"Nice hit."

W Aura:96%

Ember kept on firing at Wilhelm to burn him out... Literally. The fireballs kept coming at him, and he did his best to dodge them... As Ember tried to use his daggers to go at Wilhelm who parried them with his Tonsa blade. Wilhelm wasn't using his semblance... Why?

Foundation On Remnant Vol. 3 (RWBY X SCP)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن